All at once the poachers’ and their guide’s hands seize up in pain. They watch helplessly as their fingers shrink and widen. Soft tawny fur grows on the backs of their hands as their fingernails shrink and sharpen into retractable black claws. Their palms get rough as paw pads grow out. Within seconds the men have lost their opposable thumbs, leaving them completely incapable of picking up the guns that they had dropped.
“How the hell?!” Asks one of the poachers, staring down at his paws in disbelief. “This can’t be real…”
You almost can emphasize with his disbelief. You can’t help but wonder how long it will take until things like this are going to feel normal for you, like men growing paws or you wearing Ancient Egyptian cosplay. Bast notices your mind wandering and claps her hands together, snapping you back to reality as you watch Bast continue her show.
“And now to make your feet match those lovely paws of yours…” Bast coos softly.
The youngest of the group loses his balance instantly. He falls backwards, his thick boots slipping off his feet as sharp claws begin to poke through his socks. The young man awkwardly tries to remove his socks, thankfully having figured out how to retract his claws by now. By the time he manages to take a sock off his foot and his paws look almost one and the same.
As the poacher tries to stand back up, he finds that his feet just can’t support his weight for long. Even though his leg muscles are shifting and changing, he just can’t manage to stand properly, let alone walk around. Each attempt would only succeed in the young man falling right back onto his back. He grumbles weakly, getting frustrated very quickly, tears stinging his eyes as he keeps up the futile attempts. The young man is so caught up in the moment he doesn’t notice that not only his, but all of his companions’ clothes have vanished into thin air.
“You lot are not worthy of standing on your hind legs. But do not worry, your bodies will catch up to your legs in no time.” Bast remarks, crossing her arms.
Written by Kolaghan on 20 August 2018