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Go For a walk emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Your mind still wandered needlessly, so your feet decided to do the exact same. As the sounds of the voices and banter grew farther from you as you walked away down the hall leading up to the main ballroom, looking around the way just ahead to figure out what it is you will spend your time doing at this point. You find yourself sitting on the front stairs of your castle, waiting alone by yourself for something to happen, though your mind enjoyed being alone for once. The countless stories and tales of history you briefed yourself on earlier kept playing through your head as if it were a broken record.
Suddenly it came to you! From the hard work you had put into studying the historical backings of the different warring nations you were born into. You had made up to yourself that at that moment you would become a diplomat. The mundane and boring tasks you were ‘destined’ to enjoy just wasn’t cutting it for you. Therefore you decided to dedicate your energy into something slightly more parallel with the somewhat interesting vices of political enlightenment; a topic you had grazed over slightly in your studying. Where will you go?

Written by Driftingdragon on 18 June 2020

Warring kingdoms
Travel as a neutral party.

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