In a room
The sign reads
"Welcome all new travellers.
To continue you must go through a series of doors.
After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.
After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.
If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.
After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.
100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human
200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human
400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing
And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.
Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.
Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.
When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.
If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.
If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.
Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!
You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.
Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Air Creatures
You find yourself in what appears to be a glass room suspended high in the sky.
The stairs are blocked by a force field.
You realise you have to go through one of the three sky blue doors numbed 1,2 & 3.
What door do you want?
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Myth Air
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying
Costume room for
Element: Air
Type: Myth
Gender: ????
So which door do you want
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
Female Myth Air
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are five costumes in this room, all of them female, all of them are myth air creatures.
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
You look over the costumes noticing the feminine aspects of all of them.
"Why did I have to choose that door" you think "if I had of chosen the other door I would have a male costume"
After most deliberation you decide to go for the griffin costume.
You begin putting on the costume.
You begin with the beak. It latches on and you feel your mouth flow into it.
Next you grab an eye mask and place it over your eyes. To your shock you go blind. After a brief moment of panic your eyesight comes back. You look through the glass , pass the glare of a river and to your surprise you see lots of fish.
You get a headband of feathers and put it on. Instantly the headband dissolves leaving a beautiful plum of feathers on your head.
You try everything else but the only things that move are the chest and groin piece.
You strap the chest piece on and the straps melt up to cover your back. You feel the wings shoot out and you start to hover.
You grab the arm pieces and put them on. You then feel a slight breeze through your arm fur.
You then realise that you now have to take that step. You wear the groin piece and you now have a tail. You also have become fully female.
You don the rest of the costume quickly, wanting to minimize the time spent in this form.
You take stock of the transformation. You feat are now full lioness paws. Your hand though have only lost 1 finger and been covered in fur.
You hear a cracking sound and look down to see the glass floor has shattered leaving nothing solid between you and the ground.
Written by catprog on 21 February 2008
At first, you panic - you hadn’t even realized the floor beneath you was made of glass, nor that you had been so high up! You attempt to scream, but, before the noise can go from your throat to the air, you feel something, like a tug geared at your back.
Then, you realize: you have wings now.
Despite the panic coursing through your veins, you tap into that sensation of the appendages jutting from your back. As strange as it is, you are able to feel them as if they had been a part of you since you were born - you move them, up and down, slow at first before you briskly gain speed. And soon enough, you are hovering more effectively in mid-air.
You take a moment to catch your breath, to let your heart calm itself.
Then, of course, the reality you are FLYING sets in.
For a moment, you remain hovering there, watching little shards of glass from the floor above sprinkle down to the ground before they seem to just disappear from existence. You marvel at the sensation of floating in the air, along with the sensation of wings casually flapping.
It’s a lot to take in, you think. More than you had ever expected, to be sure. But, you internally adjust a lot quicker than you thought possible, and after a pause to contemplate, you decide to fly around to test out these new wings of yours.
The area you are in is massive, the air clean and filled with a variety of different scents that fill your beak nose thanks to the wind - a wind that is cool, yet comforting, and seems to caress your fur-covered skin while you fly around.
You don’t do anything too crazy; you experiment with ascending and descending, gliding, and then seeing how strong you can move these wings.
You are surprised that your wings are able to create strong gusts of wind that ripple from where you are all the way to the ground, kicking up dust despite the distance. You marvel at this, before curiosity pokes at your mind. You turn and peer back to where you came from, only to find a few things have changed.
The glass floor of the weird room has now been repaired. The massive opening from where you’d fallen from is gone, but even strange, the room looks like it’s just floating in the sky. There doesn’t look to be anything attached to any end.
“What in the world?” you mutter.
You rub your eyes - startled at first by the fact your hands are slender, covered in soft fur, and now missing a finger - then make sure you aren’t imagining things. Nope, you aren’t. That glass room is still there, casually sitting in the sky as if it were attached to something, somewhere.
You wonder if you’ve gotten sucked into some sort of alternate universe. Wonderland, maybe? A comic book universe? Willy Wonka’s crazy chocolate factory? There are boundless options to pick from, but, you decide to shrug it off for the time being. No sense in worrying over things like that when… well, when you don’t know what else to do with yourself.
Written by Hollowpages on 05 December 2019
You flutter down to the ground - a soft patch of grass greets your furry feet. It feels quite nice against your skin, and while some part of your brain - the logical part, no doubt - is very much still afraid, confused, and bewildered at all that’s happened, you can ignore it fairly easily, you find.
But then, you look about, taking in the sights.
You see the river stretching on before you, splitting into several different rivers in the distance, although that’s as far as you can see - these are teeming with fish, fish you see jumping up and down from the water like something out of a Disney movie. It looks like the rivers might lead to an even larger body of water, maybe, but you would have to venture down it to find out.
To your left, you see a massive mountain range in the distance, with a large open plateau between you and the mountains. There are trees here and there, and you spot several animals - a herd of deer, a herd of moose, and even a herd of cows, all grazing on the grass, although each herd is far apart. You ponder how weird it is to see three different groups of animals like that.
To your right, you see a thick forest - trees that stretch toward the sky jut from the ground, and you can hardly see far into it. You can hear, however, a variety of birds singing and chirping about - and the breeze that seems to come from that direction is quite warm and inviting. You pause, and for a few seconds, you swear you see a person, but they vanish from view seconds later.
And then, behind you, you… you frown when you see what’s behind you.
There is a fox - a red fox - sitting on a stump, and it’s watching you. At first, you brush this off and attempt to look over it, yet you can’t help but come back to check on the fox. Because the way it’s looking at you, and the way it seems to be smiling, gives you chills. It appears almost humanlike in how it’s staring.
You look around. You could continue to fly about, but, you see that you have four different options for what to do with yourself. You suppose you can try them all, but, for now, you have to choose where to go
Written by Hollowpages on 08 December 2019
Talk to the Fox
You weigh your options for a moment longer, but your eyes keep flickering behind you where the fox is just sitting, watching on. Curiosity gets the better of you, and you turn around to face the strange fox. Without a word, you slowly move toward it, wondering if it will run away the second you get too close.
It does not. It remains where it is, looking relaxed and at ease.
You end up standing before the fox and study it. It doesn’t seem to be like you, you think, since it’s the normal size for a fox. But it keeps looking at you with bright human-like eyes, until it smiles wider, baring human-like teeth. It unsettles you at first, and you flinch a bit. And yet, though you are freaked out by the sight, you note that the smile isn’t malicious or unkind at all. It appears quite friendly, and both the chill posture and the look in its eyes mirror this.
“Having fun in your new form, are we?” the fox asks. Its voice is distinctly feminine, enough to where you wonder if it’s a vixen instead. You don’t know.
You gawk, however, when your mind processes the fact the fox just spoke. “What?”
The fox giggles. “Come now. You heard me. Yes, I am a fox. And yes, I am speaking to you.” It’s tail slowly swishes about, and it cocks its head to the side, studying you in a thoughtful sort of way. “You aren’t dreaming, or going crazy, or imagining things. Well. You aren’t dreaming or imagining things. Can’t really confirm whether or not you AREN’T going crazy.”
You continue to stare at this talking creature, absorbing the fact that, well, it’s talking in the first place. Part of your brain registers the insanity of this, and yet, you also think that you’re currently not even human any longer because you put a weird costume on. So, you decide that ship has sailed.
“You have questions, yes?” the fox asks. “They always do in these scenarios. You aren’t the first human to end up like this.” It uses one paw to point at you. “Nor will you be the last. Folk like you always find the doors, and they always end up going through to see what’s on the other side. Curiosity, eh?”
You rub the back of your neck with your paw. The sensation is still a bit foreign, but, you’re growing used to it, you think. “Who are you?”
“Not so much a ‘who,’ but a ‘what,’ dear child,” the fox replies. It giggles again, as if it’s amused by its own answer. “Think of me as a guide for this realm you’ve stumbled into, here to offer you advice. A trickster guide, yes, but, an earnest trickster guide, I’ll have you know.” It winked. “Next question.”
Written by Hollowpages on 13 December 2019
What is this place exactly?
You take a moment to think. “What is this place exactly? And why am I…” You gesture to your new body. “…this?”
The fox studies you with thoughtful eyes once more. “This place is detached from the mundane reality you come from. It is almost a fantasy world, a place of endless opportunities and discoveries. You could say it’s almost a fairy tale.” It giggled once more. “But you don’t need to be afraid. There are ways out. There are ways in. This isn’t a prison, or a trap. You won’t be here for longer than you want to be.”
“You’re saying I can leave?” you ask.
“Yes, but, not right now,” the fox replies, grinning broadly when you look a bit annoyed at the response. “To leave now would render the entire experience pointless. And where’s the fun in that?”
You frown, but, you don’t respond just yet since it appears the fox has more to say.
“As for your OTHER question?” the fox says. It gives you a once over, then tilts its head to one side before giving a shrug. “You chose the room with this look, it’s quite simple. There’s no other way around it. You made the choice, and thus, you now reap the benefits.”
You frown deeper, but look up toward the glass room. It’s still there, still hovering about in the middle of the sky.
“Could I get back in there and go through that door?” you ask, turning your gaze back to the talking fox. Or is it vixen, you wonder again, since the voice sounds like a woman’s? You were never really the sort to pay attention to animal genders… not until now, at least.
The fox appears as if it knows what you’re thinking. It looks amused. “To be honest, no. You could TRY, certainly. This new body of yours is quite strong despite what you might think, so you’d likely break the glass without much effort. But the door? It sealed itself the instant you walked in. I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere.”
You peer between the floating glass room and the weird fox. “Then why is it there? HOW is it there, just… floating?”
“Magic?” the fox replies. “Technology? Reasons?” It gives you a shrug. “But as to why it’s there, think of it as a landmark. It’s so you don’t end up getting lost should you decide to explore the full breadth of this area. And trust me,” it winked, “there is much to explore. Much to see, to hear, to smell. To do.”
The way the fox says this piques your interest even further. “Like what?”
The fox’s tail sways to and fro. “This room is tied to you, in a way. To your essence, if that makes sense. The instant you stepped through that door, this room came to life. How large or small it is, when and where doors appear, and what elements you find living about, all of those were formed when that door sealed behind you.”
You let these words sink in. It sounds exactly like what you thought of before, like some bizarre fantasy universe you got unwittingly sucked into. Despite your better judgment, you feel curious about what else could be around. And yet…
“But is that all?” you ask.
Written by Hollowpages on 18 December 2019
The fox’s smile returns. “Ah, no. You see, you aren’t the only one like this,” it uses its tail to gesture to your new form. “There are others. Many others. Male, female, both, neither. They came through other doors in other rooms and donned new skins of various kinds. Some are close, others are far. The question you would have to ask is whether or not you wish to meet them. And whether or not they wish to meet you.”
You feel a rush of something upon hearing these words. You aren’t the only person here. You aren’t the only one who put on a strange costume and got turned into some sort of animal hybrid. But the way the fox says these words strikes you as off. Not threatening, no - the fox gives no signs of threat or ill intention, even with the usual stereotypes of foxes obvious in your mind.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
The fox cocks its head to one side, then to the other, thinking. “Do you remember what time you found the first door? The one that led to the series of doors you wound up choosing from?”
You blink a few times and think. You can’t, though you believe it might’ve been the early afternoon? Or was it the early morning? You end up shrugging.
The fox nods to this, its eyes reflecting a knowing look. “Time is a strange construct within this whole realm of yours. It moves as you see fit, as it does for all others who are in similar positions as you. That is to say, dear, some have been here for a long time. Long to them, at least. While the room itself isn’t dangerous - no creature here, nor plant, nor anything else, will mean you harm - those like you, ordinary people given fantastical boons… they may not feel the same way.”
You feel a lump form in your throat as the fox looks off into the distance. You ponder its words, ponder the meaning. It’s a lot to take in, after all.
“So there may be people here in these costumes that… are hostile?” you ask.
“To varying degrees, yes,” the fox replies. It strokes its chin with one paw. “Some are experienced with the inner workings of this place. They know, or knew, how to find a ‘costume’ that they felt more befitting of themselves. And of those, there are a sparse number whom have tapped into the deepest benefits of the creature they’ve taken the shape of.”
You shift where you stand. The words are a bit vague, a bit too wordy, but, you process the fox’s meaning - in other words, there are people here that are more like the animal or creature whose costume they started to wear.
The idea itself seems odd to you, and yet, you can see some merit in it. You don’t know what sorts of people these are, what sorts of lives they have lived.
There is a portion of you that wants to meet someone, though. To find out what sort of costume they put on - if they ended up in the same gender or the opposite, or if it was a normal creature or something like yourself. You feel a wave of questions bubbling about in your mind, bouncing round and round.
The fox watches you. Its expression is a knowing one. “You can understand, then, that some may not take too kindly to a new face bustling within their territory. But that, as I said, is a minority. Most are like you - fledglings who have only just begun their adventures.”
Written by Hollowpages on 22 December 2019
“And how do I find them?”
“And how do I find them?” you ask. You are wary, certainly, and yet, you are still somewhat hopeful at the prospect. You doubt this sort of thing will ever happen again.
“You must want to find them,” the fox replies with a methodical nod. “And they must want to be found.”
Your lips purse. You aren’t entirely sure what that means.
The fox brings one paw to its mouth and licks it. “Remember what I said - this room is yours. It is what your mind wanted it to be when you set foot through that door. The same goes for every other person like you. Now imagine, then, multiple realms all hovering near each other, touching without touching.” It lowered its paw and cocked its head to the side. “Do you understand?”
You squint, thinking hard. This sort of thing isn’t really a line of thought you’re used to. And yet, while you do find the fox’s words to be vague - probably on purpose, you muse - you start to piece together some sort of meaning.
“So all these… worlds…” You feel a bit strange using the word, but, you shrug it off and continue working through this madness. “They’re all connected, but, we can’t see them or one another unless we… both want to?”
The fox smiles and nods.
“How would I know if there’s someone around me, though?” you ask. “How would any of them know about me? Or about each other?”
“Is it not obvious?” the fox replies. “Look at your new body. Really look at it, at the gifts you now possess. You’ve used the wings, yes, but you have more than just wings now. Think of what you have become - you are no mere creature, dear. You are a griffin. A beast of legends. Think. Act. Learn. Let your mind unchain itself from the prison of humanity - here, you are more than human. Live a little.”
With that, the fox hops off the stump and starts to walk away.
“W-wait!” you call out.
The fox chortles. “I’ll be around if you need extra guidance. But you shouldn’t need me too much. Your brain is still functioning, is it not?”
“Well, yes, but…” you trail off.
The fox gives you a sympathetic look. “If you truly wish, you may follow me. I can show you more, and perhaps help you better understand the gifts you currently possess. Do know that you are also welcome to experiment for yourself. The choice to do so is yours.”
You eye it for a long moment, nodding. “Alright.”
“I shall be beyond the misty thicket,” the fox says, nodding its head forward. “The path is hidden, but, it is not hard to find. Locate it and follow it, and you will come to my den. There, we may continue. Remember that if you decide at any point to need me. Until then, dear. Fly safe!”
Then it dashes off, running into a misty-looking thicket in the distance before it vanishes completely. You stare after it, feeling a bit unsure now. Granted, you consider the whole ‘you just listened to a fox talk at you for who knew how long and tell you about some weird magical room and yadda yadda yadda,’ but, you just shrug this off.
Instead, you now begin to mull over what to do with yourself next.
You figure you could follow the talking fox and take it up on its offer. Or, you could follow the path and just see what’s beyond the misty veil hovering before you - it said you could find it at any point, after all. Or, you could do neither of those things and instead venture toward one of the three directions you’d considered going before. So, you start pondering what feels right, while also wondering if you’ll run into anyone else like you along the way.
Written by Hollowpages on 24 December 2019
The end (for now)