"Why am I here?" you ask. The voice hesitates for a moment.
"You are here," it answers, "for two reasons. First, because you were chosen. Second, because you chose to be here. You were found to have the set of characteristics we need for our project, and were therefore given the opportunity to enter our mansion. You took that opportunity. Therefore, you are here. You have only reaffirmed our confidence in you with that question. Now, please prepare for round 2."
A gentle amber light flickers into existence. You're standing in an elegant marble-and-gold rotunda. On the floor is a compass rose, which makes naming your choices very easy. The rotunda branches off in four directions, which, conveniently, line up with the compass points.
You are facing north. Directly ahead of you is a grandiose marble staircase that spirals away, out of sight. Behind you is similar staircase, leading down. To the east lies a long, dark, hallway, and West of you is a large, ornately carved doorway. Which way will you go?
Written by Zodiac on 01 December 2007