A Black Awakening
You awoke in a pitch black, cold room. It was so, so cold. You couldn't see anything, but felt the cold, metal floor beneath your feet as you stood up. Your head was still heavy and your mind was fuzzy. Was it possible that this was another dream? You pinched yourself, but you didn't wake up. What could have happened? You stopped and tried to sort your thoughts; everything that happened pointed to one thing...
You were abducted.
You could barely remember what had happened. The memories were distant, buried deep. It felt like casting a fishing line into a swirling, slimy blackness and trying to reel in a ghost of a fish. Whatever you managed to catch slipped away into a vague, gray fog a moment later. You could barely remember images, flashes of what had happened. Most of all you remembered Tanya--or at least, what you thought was Tanya. Finally, you realized this was no dream. This was reality.
You had to escape. You had to get out.
You tried to reach into your pocket, but quickly realized that these clothes were not your own. Instead, you felt as though you were wearing a robe, something akin to what patients of a hospital wear. You felt your blood run cold as you thought of Tanya's catty eyes. What kind of nightmare had you fallen into? No, you reminded yourself, this was no nightmare. Something terrible was happening. You panicked, but you were too scared to cry out. You had no phone and you were in a completely dark room.
What should you do?
You asked yourself again and again before blindly reaching around, but there was nothing but emptiness. You walked and reached and reached and walked but there was nothing but cruel, cold darkness. The room was utterly silent, too. Time passed... How long? You felt like your mind was slipping--whatever was in that pizza was still making your mind sluggish and dazed. You paced and paced for a long time until your sanity felt like it was reaching its limit. Then, finally, you saw a door.
A light.
Written by Merieth on 14 February 2018