This makes the rest of the villagers burst out in laughter even more stronger then before. He barks and yowls his displeasure. The commotion draws even more of the village to see him. You feel your magic increase as more and more people see what is going on. You keep adding to your glamour, making him look, sound, smell, and think he’s becoming more and more vulpine, more and more like a feral fox.
By the time you‘re done, he is curled up underneath his stall, shivering and twitching at every noise.
You look up at the sky and and realise it is almost dark and thus time to go back to your home. You go back and tell the 9-tails all about your prank. She smiles and asks “And your new body is not giving you any trouble?”
“Trouble? No,” you reply. “It’s different than I’m used to, but I wouldn’t say any of the differences are bad. Just... um... different?”
She nods “yeah it can be rough, I remember looking at the men from the village and being spooked when I found them attractive. Has that happened to you?”
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 04 February 2011