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Save reincarnation for emergencies. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Somehow, the promise of being reborn when you die doesn't seem quite as reassuring now that you're in danger of testing it. How exactly does that work, anyway? You realize you'd rather not find out if you can help it. After all, who knows what body you'd end up in? At least it was your own choice that landed you in a giraffe's body (possibly not the brightest choice, but still your own). For all you know, you could end up reborn as a slug or a bacterium or something. How much YOU will be left? Will you still have the same chance to go back to your old life? Will you even remember it?


On top of all of that, you simply don't want to die. Your giraffe and human instincts are in perfect agreement on that. The fact that death here would be temporary doesn't make it any more appealing.


Of course, your chances of avoiding it still aren't looking good.

Written by Chrysalis on 06 April 2008

Try to reason with the lionesses

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