So what are your options?
A pegasus , a griffon , a phoenix although that one looks like it might burn you before you get it on. A dragon, correction a dragoness, female room after all.
The last one however is the one that strikes your fancy, a sphinx. This one at least is partially human. Still you have no idea how you will fill out the 8 limbs including the wings with just your four.
You reach up and take the costume off the hanger, the other costumes rotating behind the wall , although you suspect if you returned your current one they would return to allow you to make a new choice.
Now how to put the costume on. The zipper runs along the spine of the costume. The open limbs seem to be the arms and legs of the costume.
"Well here goes nothing" you say to the empty air as your legs slip into the empty legs of the costume. Your feet being pulled up by the shape of the paws, leaving you standing on your toes.
The fake front legs of the costume dangle down as you place your arms into the costume as well. You turn behind to see the zipper moving by itself, slowly but not stopping, sealing your body into the costume.
The head is the other part of the costume that needs to go on, standing on a pedestal, mouth open showing of her teeth. You walk over , already feeling like your paws are part of your body, your movement as natural as if you were born with them.
You look into the mirror fearful that this will be the last time you see your face for a long time before putting the head over the top of yours. As the parts meet you feel and hear the seal form.
Pain, that is the first sensation when the changes begin. Your spine feels like it is being pushed down hard, the front legs providing support as you fall forward onto them. The wings burrow into your body new nerves sending messages straight to your brain, every feather feeling the wind as it rushes through them.
Wind? In a sealed room?
You look around and try to move to trace the source of the wind but the front legs are not yet ‘real’ and remain fixed to the floor. However you see the walls of the room fading. The wind seems to be only on your wings though.
The front of the costume begins to hurt quite a bit as you feel bones solidifying in the leg area, the legs becoming long and stiff, unable to be moved until the nerves set in. It is a painful process as each nerve seems to light up as they come into existence.
Written by on 14 December 2014