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You are standing by a tree star star star emptystar emptystar

There are 3 paths.


One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.


So what's its going to be?

Illustrated by Catprog

Written by catprog on 01 April 2003

Walk towards the beach star star star halfstar emptystar

You slip and fall into the water.


As you swim around, your legs feel funny. You look at them and realise why. They have joined together, along with your feet, now pointing outwards. As this happens, they go grey with a white patch on the front.


All the hair on your legs falls out, as they become smooth.


Your tail (as you'll may as well call it now) soon grows a dorsal fin.


Your fingers stretch and grow webbing between them as your arms shrink and change into flippers.


Meanwhile your skin is changing from the waist up.


Your head stretches like putty.


Your eyes move to the side of your head and your vision is mostly taken up by your grinning dolphin snout.


You suddenly feel uneasy in the shallow water.


As you look at yourself, you realise your now a dolphin.


You head out into deeper water.

Illustrated by Viviane Frost

Written by catprog on 01 April 2003

Swimming star star emptystar emptystar emptystar

You look around. You're in a whole new world.


The waves flow gently and you feel like you're flying.


You swim gracefully around.


Written by Cat on 29 May 2003

Eating star halfstar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You are swimming around in the water and you see a tasty looking fish. You swim up to it and with a snap of your snout you have eaten.

Written by Cat on 01 January 1970

Inflate like a balloon star halfstar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You inflate until you are twice the size you were. When you look at yourself you see that you have turned into a whale.


You scream and emit a very low-pitched cry.


Looks like you attracted something, but what is it?

Written by WiKy on 02 March 2004

Terror from the Deep star star star star emptystar

Fear freezes your massive heart as a huge black shape passes underneath you, a broad flattened head followed by yard after yard of flailing tentacles. A cold amber eye glints in the dim light as it swims ahead a small distance, before you. It then opens up its tentacles into a sucking, nightmarish star, its beak clicking menacingly in the center, hungry for your flesh.


<JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST!!!> Your whale brain screams. Your tons of muscle flex and clench as you try to turn about, but you're slightly less maneuverable than a city bus. It's like the squid knows, and the squid is hungry. Your momentum carries you right into the ravenous tentacles that latch onto your body. You cry out as you feel the beak dig into your side and begin to feast.


No man's mind is ready for this kind of nightmarish sensational overload, or the degree of horror that washes over you. You realize you're utterly alone, with nothing but the dead depths holding creatures of slime below you. Your nerves send signals your brain was not meant to interpret, your instincts rush down neurological paths your genome has never known. You can hear you sanity snapping, your consciousness snapping like matchsticks. Your body flails and swings its titanic tail about like a lethal club, completely independently of your conscious mind. Once, it connects squarely with the beast's head, but the squid is a creature of slime, boneless and slippery.


So the pain continues, the horror, the utter isolation, as you're slowly eaten by the giant squid, lacking hands or thumbs or tools, the weapons man has so perfected, with nothing but your rapidly failing mind for company. You wonder if this is the end as you pray to every god for salvation.


Written by Mr.Peaches on 21 June 2010

The end (for now)

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