Doot, doo, doot doot doot doo...
Footsteps fall, and three scalliwags clad in black with red R's on their shirts approach!
"Well, well, what have we here!?" They cry. The three surround you in a triangle as you flare your neck frill threateningly.
"That's a Vaporeon!" This Rocket is heavyset and slow but carries two straps of Good Balls on his chest. A weedle sits on his shoulder, ready to shoot string.
"Of course it is, stupid!"
This Rocket is a girl, blue-haired and slender, not strong but twitching with barely supressed speed. One hand holds a Good Ball and the other a blindingly fast Voltorb.
"It's rare... far too rare for this location. What's it doing here?" This one is bundled up around his face save for his eyes. He carries no Pokemon whatsoever, but one hand menacingly cradles a Master Ball, no doubt acquired through evil means indeed.
"So... how do we decide who gets it?" the large one asks.
"Whoever it tries to run past gets to catch it," the shrouded one says. The other two agree.
You must get past the rocket members. If you run past the girl, there's an 80% chance she'll strike you first with Voltorb, and a 50% chance you'll be stunned long enough to be captured by the Good Ball. Once inside, you have a 40% chance of escape.
If you run past the large boy, You have three seconds to act before he can ready himself. On each of those seconds, there's a 20% chance you'll be hit by String Shot and delayed an extra second. If three seconds pass and you don't get hit by string shot, you can escape, but if you are, the Rocket will drop his Pokeballs in a net, and you have an 80% chance of capture. Once inside, you again have a 40% chance of escape. If you escape, there's a 30% chance you'll be caught again, where your escape rate falls to 30%, etc.
If you try to escape past the shrouded boy, your odds of slipping past him are 50%, but if you're caught, you can't escape.
If you try to attack the Rockets, all three will attack you and your escape chance falls to 10%. If you're caught, the odds of who gets you are the same for each Rocket.
What will you do?
Written by Mr.Peaches on 20 October 2006