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You help him star star halfstar emptystar emptystar

You examine the device containing the child. You find it odd that it seems so clean and streamline even when everything else is at least dust covered. You pace for a bit then run jump and try to push the child out. You go right through the child and tumble on the other side. You look up and see the kid wink at you then disappear. The whole machine flickers and disappears. It was a hologram. You hear a clicking in all the doors but the centre one, the sound is similar to a locking mechanism. The centre door opens too a room filled with different weapons. You walk hesitantly through and the door closes behind you. A strange alien creature appears and you think it is a hologram and try to walk past it. The alien pushes you over and grabs a double bladed sword. You examine the alien and realize it looks like a Rakata . It speaks to you in the same voice the droid at the beginning of the temple first used except it is deeper and meaner.
“I can’t understand you” you say
It points at the weapons lining the walls, obviously wanting you to fight with him. You look over the weapons. They are all swords of some type or another.
Well pick your weapon. And choose wisely


Written by Hnhn on 07 July 2009

Both Examine the Weapons

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