You look back in a blind panic to see that your shoulderblades are rapidly extending, and you realize that it might not have been in your best interests to piss off that genie. Still, what's done is done, and now you have to pay the piper for your words.
You groan as the protrusions extend even more, growing longer and longer and making you fall to your hands and knees from the sheer alien sensation of having these two new appendages. You can feel them just as you can your arms and legs; and worse, you can move them.
It's like this change isn't just giving you bones, but also muscles to go with them, and you wonder for a moment if you're growing some sort of pair of extra arms.
This illusion is dispelled an instant later as a sensation not unlike the pricking of pins and needles spreads along the growths, making you shiver as sharp quills erupt from across them, rapidly lengthening into what can only be feathers, each of them a deep brown like your hair.
"Wings..." You mutter, the genie's talk of some sort of animal breeding program immediately coming to your mind. You shiver with dread at what that could possibly mean; then grunt as the pins and needles spread to your back.
Of course you should have expected the feeling of change to spread; why would the genie decide to let you look like some sort of angel? No, this change is going to be much more thorough than a mere set of wings, as you can tell from how your chest is beginning to tingle.
You look down in time to see a thick plumage of brown feathers come in from your belly almost to your collar. But as the feathers approach your neck, they lighten from that dark brown to a pale white, making you blink in surprise. Your first thought is that you must be becoming some sort of eagle; but what sort of eagle can stand like a man?
You immediately dash that thought from your head, deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Instead, you're grateful for what humanity you're allowed to retain, even though your hands and feet are beginning to cramp.
A glance down confirms that they're starting to change, your nails growing over your fingers even as your skin becomes a mottled and hard golden yellow. You flex your new talons appreciatively as they come in, eyeing them with undisguised interest.
"Interesting." You say, the last words from your human mouth before your lips begin to ache. You let out a groan as they begin to numb, stretching out into what can only be an avian beak. Your nose goes with them, and you shudder at being able to see so much of your face in your peripheral vision.
Then the white feathers of your collar cloak your head, and with that your changes seem to come to a merciful end. You hurriedly look at yourself in a panic, making sure that all your important bits are where they should be, only to pause at the sound of familiar laughter.
"Well then, I see you're enjoying your new form." The genie from before materializes beside you, looking you up and down. "I wasn't sure than an anthro gryphon would suit you well, but I dare say that this is a tremendous improvement."
You gawp in shock at the creature; then steel your gaze, mind racing as how to respond to him...
Written by SketchySeraph on 25 January 2016