6 people are deposited on an island.
The 1st night someone accidentally activates a barrier.
In the tv studio the producers quickly realise that they can't get anybody out or in but the automatic cameras' signals are still working. They decide to relabel the show as fiction.
Now which character do you wish to start with?
Written by catprog on 17 December 2000
Eric, just your Average Joe.
You were trapped, and alone, on this stupid island. Great.
Honestly, your life had been pretty boring. Enrolling on this TV show was probably the most exciting thing you had ever done. You hadn’t even expected to get on it, you had expected you would just be rejected.
“Sorry Eric, but you’re just not the kind of person we’re looking for.”
Yet no. Apparently the general public wanted to watch a guy that looked like he should be working in accounting be on a show like this. You weren’t about to complain. You had been single for several years now, so maybe this little gig would help net you some romance again…
You were left to find some way to the others, and so you pulled yourself up off the grass, and stumbled away from the blue-tinged barrier. From the looks of it, you had been split off from the others in a grassy, circular field, which was surrounded by dense emerald trees. Overhead, the sun beamed down obnoxiously.
Looking around frantically, you decided on a good route
Written by vanillametal on 01 February 2016
Through the nearby jungle
Inside, among the tall, leafy trees, the air was stifling, and far too hot to be comfortable. Your back was sweating, and the moisture was soaking through your white shirt, and under your arms. You felt gross, the weather back home was never anything like this.
Also, this place seemed pretty tropical. You were watching where you walked with paranoia, worried that some kind of giant spider might jump out of nowhere and latch onto your ankle when you least expected it. Typical, irrational fear.
Luckily, nothing like that happened, but you did have to stop by a small body of sapphire water, and have a drink. It looked clean enough, you could see your reflection clearly in it. Honestly, you looked a little haggard, with dishevelled brown hair, and a tired face. You were an average looking guy. Nothing impressive.
Anyway, this water was probably safe…
Written by vanillametal on 02 February 2016
Have a drink.
You cupped some water in your sweating palms, and lifted them to your mouth, parting your lips and drinking. The taste was surprisingly bitter, and you immediately spat it out, shooting up to your feet and wiping your lips with the back of your hand.
“What the hell!?” You grit your teeth and spat a bit. Repulsive…was it really filthy or something? It looked spotless…
Having no choice but to keep going and hope you came across some water that wasn’t disgusting, you stumbled along between the trees, nearly tripping over the sprawling roots more than a couple of times. In fact, when you tried to hop over one, the toe of your boot caught on it, and you were sent plummeting face first against the grass.
Luckily, you had landed in an open clearing. Something very unlucky was about to happen to you though…
Written by vanillametal on 03 February 2016
Something happens.
While you were trying to get back up on your feet again, you suddenly felt a sharp shock go through your body, something which caught you off guard, jolted you, and caused you to fall back down to the grass again.
For a moment, you were limp. You stared at the dirt under your nose, and breathed out in a shudder. Your body suddenly felt supremely strange, like no sensation you had ever had before.
“Sh-shit…” You coughed out, and tried to pull yourself along, find something to haul yourself to your feet. Yet as soon as you pulled yourself forth an inch, there was a sound like something splitting. You realised it was the back of your trousers, and no, you hadn’t stretched them too far while crawling.
Something was coming out. Something long and furry, of a dark tan colour and black stripes. A tail. It just popped out of your behind like ‘hello!’, and as you craned your neck round to see it, you couldn’t believe your eyes. Still lying there, you watched it start to flick back and forth in an erratic blur, responding to how on edge you were feeling.
Managing to pull yourself to your feet, you clutched your buttocks, and slowly trailed your hands towards the base of the tail. You pulled the furry appendage round and in-front of you, so you could examine it, stroke it. When you tugged it, it made you yelp.
This thing was attached to you!
Written by vanillametal on 04 February 2016
It doesn
Right now, you were terrified. You had just sprouted a tail of all things! At least you were able to walk again, but your problems were far from over.
Next, you felt your shirt begin to stretch out, the fabric straining as your chest began to bulge. Something dark started to show through the white material, and you gasped as you saw the matter spread out and up your neck. It was fur! Black and orange fur, starting to coat your skin. It felt like being tickled, as it bristled out, and you twitched a bit.
Soon enough, you were covered head to toe in the stuff, and though there were no mirrors nearby, you could feel your face had broken out with fur as well. When you pursed your lips together, it was like taking a bite out of a clump of feathers. So fluffy and soft.
When you squeezed your thighs together, there was no longer that clammy, sticky sensation you usually got when you were sweating there. Instead, it was just lightly damp, matted fur. Having a coat of fur like this made you actually feel…protected in a way. You were dressed lightly, to cope with the island weather, but to your surprise, the fur really didn’t make you feel that much hotter.
This was all very bizarre, to say the least.
Perhaps the most alarming thing of all happened next though…
Written by vanillametal on 05 February 2016
The Average Joe becomes an Average Jane
Something rather frightening occurred. Okay, more like piss-pants terrifying.
Between your legs, your familiar ‘friend’ suddenly receded. Bam, just like that, it was gone. Something seemed to open down there though, and you could guess without looking what it was. Actually, you were too scared to look, because part of you still wanted to delude yourself into thinking this was all some kind of twisted dream.
Maybe when I fell, I hit my head too hard.
…No…this feels way too real.
You started running. You had to see yourself. While you ran, your nose began to throb, and when you reached up and touched it, you were greeted with a flat pad, that was just a little bit moist. From the shape, it was like something from a dog or cat.
Thankfully, you happened across a pond at the base of a tree pretty quickly, and looked at yourself in the reflection.
Your heart just about stopped beating.
Written by vanillametal on 06 February 2016
Seeing The Truth
The best way to describe what you had turned into…was a tiger. A female tiger. So a tigress?
The bulge in your trousers was gone, and the fabric now housed slender, furry legs. Your belt strained against your new set of wider hips. Torso-wise, you were much thinner, though not extremely so. Obviously, your new, voluptuous chest was the most noticeable change, and the biggest giveaway that you were now female.
Then there was your face. While you were staring at your pink button nose, from which whiskers had sprouted on either side, fluffy ears were poking out through your hair, and your eyes were turning an amber colour, your pupils growing long and narrow.
Your own features that were showing through the fur had taken on both a feminine and feline appearance now.
It was clear. You were now far from the man you had once been…
Written by vanillametal on 07 February 2016
What now?
So, you have turned into some sort of anthropomorphic tiger. The only question is…if this was real, then what are you supposed to do now?
You look around, placing a hand on your chest and furrowing your face with concern. There are no other animals around, and good thing too, because you are kind of afraid that if you set eyes on a gazelle or anything like that, you will lose all sense of will and just pounce on it.
Though…you are getting hungry.
If you can avoid turning into some kind of feral animal, that is probably for the best. Though you don’t know how this whole thing works. Hell, you have no idea how you had ended up as a tigress in the first place.
So you decide, you have to try and find something at least…
Written by vanillametal on 08 February 2016
Search for food.
By the time you emerge from the seemingly lifeless jungle, and out onto a grassy plain, your stomach is killing you. It is making you panic, because you don’t want to end up dying of hunger out here.
Then, your plush, furry foot, which had long since burst through your boot leaving the leather remains behind, bumps into something. Looking down, your eyes widen, as you see a rabbit there, minding its own business (though it moves away in fright when your foot nudged it).
It isn’t typical tiger fare, but your mouth drools. Hell, a human would eat a rabbit usually…
Licking your lips, you starting edging towards the little creature, like some kind of other self was taking over, when suddenly, someone stops you. Or rather, something, if anthropomorphic creatures can’t be counted as humans.
At first you didn’t recognize this half-wolf half-man, but when he speaks, you realize that it is one of the other contestants. Ry.
“Ry?” You stare, and his wolfish eyes widen.
Written by vanillametal on 09 February 2016
Strange reunion
“Wait…uh-“ Ry snaps his furry, clawed fingers, as he tried to recall who you are. He probably couldn’t even have recognized you in human form, that is how forgettable you were
“Eric. Y’know…I work in sales.” You try to jog his memory, and he eventually recognizes you, clasping his hands together.
“Oh, Eric, right.” He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. You have a chance while he thinks of the right thing, to study his features. His previously masculine body has taken on a female form, like your own. A snout is poking out from the front of his face, and he too has the fur and ears to match. You remember him saying that he was a furry fan, so…this was probably a dream come true for him.
“Can you believe this!?” Ry spins around, showing off his fluffy tail which just about smacks you in the face. You wriggle your small nose, and watch as he faced you again. “It’s amazing. I was just drawing an anthro wolf, when a bolt of lightning came out of nowhere and burned the page. Next thing I knew, I was turning into…well…” he, or she, looks down at himself. “This…”
Written by vanillametal on 10 February 2016
Explain yourself
“And what about you?” Ry asks.
You rub your furry arm, and try to explain it as best as you can. “Well I went into the jungle, and the heat made me thirsty. I stopped at a pool of water to have a drink, but it tasted strange. I can only assume it was what caused my…transformation…”
“You look really cool though.” Ry circles around you. It was kind of awkward, thinking that she may actually find you attractive in this form. “I’ve drawn a few tigresses in my time, but seeing one in the flesh is amazing…”
“Well…you too, you look very interesting…” You glance at her awkwardly, feeling a heat rise in your face from how she is ogling you.
“I was pretty surprised to see it myself. The transformation…was a strange feeling.” You hold up your paw before your face, examining it, and poking the soft pads on the palm of it. “I keep wishing this was a dream, but it feels too real to be…”
Ry looks outraged. “Why on earth would you wish this to be a dream!? It’s easily the coolest thing to EVER happen to anyone!”
“Maybe for you, but not for me.” You respond quickly, starting to walk away from her. “I just want a peaceful life.”
“Wait, where are you going?” She asks.
Written by vanillametal on 11 February 2016