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The Author, Lycan Gruff emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You blink in confusion, looking at your surroundings and wondering what the heck is going on. You’d thought this gig would have been a good publicity stunt, but now you’re starting to have second thoughts.


And who could blame you for that? You’d signed on to boost sales of your latest venture into science fiction; not to be trapped beneath some shimmering blue dome that looked like it was straight out of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Which is a little ironic, given that you’d used some of that film as a basis for your book.


Either way, it doesn’t look like you’ve got too good of a shot at getting off of this damnable place by just standing here. Unfortunately for you, it also looks like the rest of the people on this island aren’t nearly as intelligent as you, meaning it’s up to you to get out. Using your vast imagination, above-average intellect, and okay physical fitness, it’s up to you to get everyone out of here!


Once you figure out a direction to go in, that is. At least this island seems to have a variety of different biomes…

Written by SketchySeraph on 11 November 2015

Both To the Woods
Both Ocean
Both Bat
Both A Viewing Platform

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