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Wonder Drug emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The chief smiles in relief and opens the bottle, scraping some goo out onto his hands and rubbing them together. You have to use your hands to pick up your bitten leg and swing it around in front of you, as you can't feel a thing in the swollen appendage.
The wise old man presses his fingers against the wound, puss starting to bubble and fizz around the opening. You're finally grateful that you can't feel your leg, as you're sure there's some serious stinging going on. You nod in thanks, still panting a bit. Some large tattooed men bring in some water for you in a small wooden bowl, and you do your best to not be too greedy in gulping it down.


Whatever he rubbed on you, it must've been some kind of miracle drug. While there was some ebbing stinging in your leg, the important thing was that you could actually feel it. A refreshing coolness swept through your body, all afflictions fading as your vision slowly became less blurry. The chief wasn't as old as you originally thought he was. Spider venom apparently adds a few years. He was a younger, more vibrant looking man, maybe in his late twenties. A smile was on his face as he looked down at you. ?How are you feeling?? He asked in almost perfect English.


?I'm much better now, thanks.? You reply. ?What was in the other jar??


?Poison.? The chief replied solemnly. ?The creature on it was a tyrant ant. If you got bit by one of those, the best thing we can do is paralyze you into a deep sleep until death takes over.?


You shiver, realizing the consequences a wrong choice would've had. Suddenly, it dawns on you that a little tribe here might know something about the ancient legend. ?Do you know anything about a strange power on this island? Something about a transformation stone or something of the like??


The chief's eyes widen and he looks at you intently. ?You've heard of the gryphon's stone??
He knows something! Finally, something good has happened on this island. Maybe this trip will be worth it after all?

Written by Zorpix on 09 September 2014

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