6 people are deposited on an island.
The 1st night someone accidentally activates a barrier.
In the tv studio the producers quickly realise that they can't get anybody out or in but the automatic cameras' signals are still working. They decide to relabel the show as fiction.
Now which character do you wish to start with?
Written by catprog on 17 December 2000
Shifting into Gear
You blink softly, squinting a bit at the warm sun rays above you. Muttering something about being tossed out on a beach, you get to your feet and look around. Blue, floating buoys are positioned in a circle about 30 feet out from the shoreline in an arc around you. You realize that must be the barrier that had flipped on earlier.
While running your fingers through your hair to get the sand out, you notice a dense, jungle-like area toward what you assume is the middle of the island. With a determined nod, you head towards it. After all, your goal is different from the one the other simpletons here had in mind.
Sure, there was the prize for the contest, but you had come with your own goals in mind. Long ago, your father had mentioned a strange island in the shape of a lion?s head that held a mystical power that no one quite understood yet. However, he would never tell you the nature of the power, or what it did. Due to this fact, you had always shrugged it off as some weird story he used to tell simply to entertain you when you were a kid. After seeing an aerial view of the island in a promotional trailer, your opinion quickly changed. Clear as day, the island looked like the head of a lion your father had talked about.
You enter the jungle, a bit unsure of where to go first. Looking to your left and right, all you can really make out is more trees. You look behind you back at the beach. Your father never mentioned where on the island this power was hidden. Having no real directions and no clue where the other players of the game are, you weigh your options.
Written by Zorpix on 07 June 2014
Shifting into Gear
There?s not much there, really. Looking up, you see that the barrier that is trapping you and your opponents in this game is actually forming a type of dome over you. You?re not sure how far under the water the barrier goes, but it must be pretty deep, as there are no waves lapping at the shore. It?s hard to decide whether the stillness is relaxing or eerie.
Looking up and down the shoreline, you notice another competitor lying out on the beach, sunning herself. You turn away with a sneer, heading the opposite direction. Doesn?t anybody care that we?re trapped here?! You kick up a bit of sand in frustration at the triviality of the other contestants. They won?t be so lax when I get that power and break out of here. This stupid barrier doesn?t scare me! I?m going to escape.
You?re not quite sure what the power actually does, or if it would actually allow you to escape. But you do know that any kind of special power is better than just lying around and doing nothing. Besides, the name of the game is ?Survivor?, though no one really explained what that meant. All that was mentioned was that there?d be one Survivor. It didn?t sound like a threat on your life before, but that possibility is starting to look more and more likely.
As you continue down the beach, a sequence of rocks stretching out into the ocean can be seen. Since the waves have quieted, the tops of the rocks are dry and stick out like little islands. Looking out to where the rocks end, you notice that one of the rocks is directly in between two of the buoys that seem to generate the force field. You squint and bring a hand to your eyes to look a bit farther. It looks like there?s a chink in the force field! It?s hard to make out from here due to the distance and the translucency of the barrier, but it looks like a chance at freedom. Maybe the Survivor is the one who finds their way out first? That?d show all those lazy slackers!
As you get closer to the rocks, your head starts filling with more thoughts about what could happen once you reach the end of the rocks. Maybe the game is a test of drive and determination to escape dire circumstances. You feel a bit sorry for the producers of the show though, with you having found the exit to the dome so quickly. Maybe they?ll even have to edit you out!
You reach the rocks and slide off your sandals. Your feet will be of much more use to you if they can grip something. You look out toward the horizon once more. There?s definitely something going on with the barrier by that rock. Taking a step into the water, the thought of this being a trap crosses your mind, making you pause for a second to consider what you know before making a decision. Most of the rocks look wide enough that both of your feet could fit on them with ease, and none are more than a short hop apart. They almost seem too perfectly placed, inducing a nod of confidence from yourself, as you now know what you?re going to do. You proceed to...
Written by Zorpix on 07 June 2014
Shift in the weather
You gaze out at the wavering force field above the rock. With a scoff and a wave of your hand, you turn away and head further down the shoreline. You determine that it was just aligned too perfectly to not be a trap.
As you stroll down the beach, you notice something a bit odd. Even though the sun is shining down on you, you feel rather cool. Waving your arms a bit to get a feel for the air, you notice it doesn?t really feel like fresh air. Could this be? air conditioning? You feel shivers run up your spine as you realize what this means. They?re in control of the weather?
The meaning behind the barrier suddenly becomes clear. It?s not a wall to keep you from escaping, as the surrounding ocean would be more than enough to keep anyone landlocked. This barrier is some kind of environment control device. This makes you start to panic a little. What if the shape of the island was manipulated too? For all you know, this could be a manmade island, which wouldn?t fit the description of the mysterious island from your childhood at all.
You look around frantically, trying to find some kind of sign that this island is natural. Not only would it mean the treasure might be here, but it lessens the danger factor of this place. At least you know how normal trees and wildlife work. If these trees were made by this seemingly sadistic production company, who knew what kind of horrible things could happen. Maybe the coconuts at the tops of palm trees were grenades, and exploded when they fell. Maybe all the animals had enhanced senses and were vicious man killers.
A loud buzzer jars you out of your thoughts. As your head snaps left and right wildly, you feel a breeze blowing over you. Looking out to the edge of the barrier, you see it opening a bit. A huge wave of water comes gushing in under the rim, higher than the water level in the dome by a few feet. Sinking to your knees, you realize that wave would?ve hit you while you were on the rocks. A bit stunned, you sit there in silence as the wave grows closer. That last decision could?ve ended in your death. This ?game? has now become a bit more serious.
The wave crashes onto shore, foamy bubbles stretching out the few yards it takes to barely splash your toes. As the water recedes, you notice something big and grey has washed up onto shore. It looks like some kind of marine animal.
Written by Zorpix on 17 June 2014
A Seal
As you look closer you realize it is a seal. Although a closer look reveals arms instead of flippers.
It turns to look at you before speaking "The fish, they eat your humanity. Don't go into the water" before the speech turns into the bark of a seal.
The arms have changed into flippers as well. If you did not hear the speech just seconds earlier you would of though this an ordinary seal.
Written by Catprog on 18 June 2014
Harder Than You Thought
You approach the girl lounging in the sun. She has on a very revealing bikini and long, blonde hair. You try to keep your eyes on her face as you speak to her. "Greetings.. Uhh.. What's your name?"
She rolls onto her side, as if she's ignoring you. "Uh.. I think we should try to find a way out of here." You say, which she doesn't seem to listen to.
Finally, she says something. "I love it here. I never want to leave. I heard the prize is the island itself." She says, releasing a bored yawn.
"Well, don't you at least want to find us some food? I think maybe there's some in the water."
"I'm too tired right now. Why don't you go get some yourself?" She says, irritated.
Well, so much for that.
Written by marissalikesgreenday on 30 June 2014
The end (for now)