6 people are deposited on an island.
The 1st night someone accidentally activates a barrier.
In the tv studio the producers quickly realise that they can't get anybody out or in but the automatic cameras' signals are still working. They decide to relabel the show as fiction.
Now which character do you wish to start with?
Written by catprog on 17 December 2000
Who cares about any of the other characters.
Just go as yourself.
Written by catprog on 20 November 2016
The arrival ship
You pack your bags looking around your cabin, making sure not to leave anything behind. Before you know it , the knock on the door comes and you are pushed out.
The rafts are cut loose and after someone goes down to catch everything you start tossing the survival equipment down.
Canvas, pots, food everything starts to get loaded on the raft.
Just before you leave, you spot a fire making kit hidden in a bag of rice. Quickly grabbing it before the siren sounds you slip it into your pocket.
You find a spot and start paddling towards the island. The moment the first person steps onto the beach you feel your insides turn inside out for a moment.
You look around to see a shimmering barrier blocking your view of the horizon.
Written by catprog on 05 August 2017
As you and the others gather on the beach, the realization sets in that you're trapped on this mysterious island, separated from the outside world by an invisible barrier.
Looking around, you notice the deep cave hidden in the cliff. The entrance is shrouded in darkness, but curiosity and a sense of exploration drive you to investigate. With your fire making kit safely tucked away, you decide to be the first to venture into the cave, hoping to find clues about the island or any means of escape.
As you inspect the cavern, you notice a narrow passage leading upward. The air becomes drier as you ascend, and the sound of water fades away. The passage eventually opens up into a chamber above sea level, revealing a hidden dry area within the cave system.
This newly discovered area appears to be a refuge, with a flat, rocky surface and signs of previous human presence. You find remnants of previous inhabitants—tools, makeshift shelters, and signs of struggle. It becomes clear that others may have sought refuge in this hidden part of the cave system, possibly trying to escape the unknown dangers lurking on the island.
Excitedly, you follow the chamber's contours and as you ascend, the air becomes fresher, and a soft glow suggests daylight. Pushing through the final stretch, you emerge from the cave's hidden depths to find yourself on a rocky outcrop overlooking the beach.
The breathtaking view unfolds before you—the expanse of the beach, the shimmering barrier, and the vast ocean beyond. It's a moment of both relief and awe. Realizing the potential importance of this discovery, you call out to the others who are still down on the beach, "Hey! Up here! There's another way out!"
Working together, you and the other survivors gather the supplies that were brought on the rafts and start organizing the cave into a makeshift refuge. The elevated, dry area within the cave becomes your base of operations, providing a sense of security and shelter from the unknown dangers of the island.
The canvas is stretched to create simple shelters, providing protection from the elements. Pots are arranged for cooking, and food supplies are rationed and stored in a secure corner. The fire making kit you found earlier proves invaluable, as a fire is started for warmth and cooking.
Outside the cave, the shimmering barrier continues to be a constant reminder of your isolation.
In the cave, however, the focus is on survival. With the supplies organized and a sense of unity established, the group prepares to face the challenges of the island, determined to unravel its mysteries and find a way to overcome the unexpected barriers that have trapped you all in this surreal situation.
Written by - on 06 January 2024
Jaguar Power Armor
Startled awake by a soft, ethereal glow, you follow the mesmerizing light to the edge of the cave. There, you discover a mysterious set of power armor, its anthropomorphic jaguar design illuminated by the otherworldly radiance. The armor seems to pulse with energy, and a faint hum resonates in the air around it.
Curiosity overtakes caution, and you cautiously approach the enigmatic discovery. The armor is sleek and metallic, with intricate details that resemble the features of a jaguar. It appears to be in pristine condition, untouched by the passage of time.
Curiosity overcoming any lingering hesitation, you carefully begin to don the sleek jaguar-shaped power armor. Its metallic surface is cool to the touch as you slide your arms into the articulated sleeves. The material conforms snugly to your body, a perfect fit as if it were tailored specifically for you. The faint hum of energy grows slightly louder as you fasten the armor in place, the holographic display flickering to life in response to your actions.
As you secure the final clasps, the power armor responds with a soft hum, and a holographic display materializes before you. It details the armor's capabilities, showcasing enhanced strength, agility, and an array of integrated tools.
Standing there, fully adorned in the jaguar-shaped power armor, the holographic display materializes again. "Welcome back, Zara. It seems your DNA is very degraded," the voice murmurs, its tone carrying a mix of concern and curiosity.
"I am not Zara." you say, a note of uncertainty in your voice, as you grapple with the unexpected revelation. The power armor's response follows swiftly, the soft voice resonating in the cave.
"And your memory is gone as well?" it replies, the words carrying a weight of realization.
"Emergency fix of DNA to handle intruders," the soft voice emanates from the power armor.
A surreal sensation courses through your body as the advanced technology of the power armor starts the repair process. The faint, pulsating light in the cave intensifies for a moment, and you become aware of a subtle transformation. As you reach around to the base of your spine, you feel the unmistakable presence of a jaguar tail.
The holographic display abruptly shifts, and you find yourself and the others projected on the screen. The word "intruders" glows ominously, and a series of images play out, detailing your arrival on the island. "Emergency barrier is active."
Written by - on 20 January 2024
The end (for now)