6 people are deposited on an island.
The 1st night someone accidentally activates a barrier.
In the tv studio the producers quickly realise that they can't get anybody out or in but the automatic cameras' signals are still working. They decide to relabel the show as fiction.
Now which character do you wish to start with?
Written by catprog on 17 December 2000
Here we go...
You stayed silent from everybody, focusing only in what you were drawing on your sketchbook. You are a fan of furries of all kinds. You also are pretty good at drawing them too. You also are good at construction and exploring. Those are your skills. There are some you don't have yet. Your disadvantages are unknown...you are in this island because you had nothing actually better to do, and the prize is worth even sitting here and doing nothing...
Written by Rikki on 08 November 2008
You sketch out the basic outline of the griffon and once the tail is inked you feel the tail form ou your actual body
You try to stop the inking but the pen starts to move by itself. Each individual feather inked out is another feather that appears on your back. The feathers grow longer and thicker until they cover your entire back.
The pen moves to the hind feet and starts to ink the talons. You feet burst out of your shoes as they change as well. Your toenails growing out and harder. They grow out into small but sharp talons.
And the pen moves to your thighs now...your legs start to burn horribly. It feels like they are on fire. You stand up and try to stop the pain...but it only gets worse. You start to scream as your legs start to burn even more. The burning is moving upwards...they are burning so hot you can't even touch them.
The burning is at your knees now...your legs are transforming into those of a griffon. The burning is at your thighs. You find it hard to breath as your torso starts to burn. You scream out in pain as the transformation continues.You fall onto your hands as your body reshapes into a quadruped stance.
The burning is at your chest now...a burning pain from your lungs. You can't breath in this form...so you don't. You just let your body succumb to the painful burning sensation as the pen moves to your arms.
The burning starts to go away as new sensations take over. There is a tingling sensation that feels weird. You find your arms shrinking and feathers covering them. The tingling moves to your hands as they slowly turn into talons.
Your arms are transformed into the front legs of a griffon and the burning has stopped. You take a deep breath and flex your new wings.
The pen finishes the sketch by outlining the face of the griffon. Your actual face is changing with each stroke of the pen. Your mouth and nose grow into a large beak as your eyes move closer together. They turn from blue to a much darker shade.
The sketch is finished and the pen drops out of the air.
You stare at yourself in the river...you are now a real griffon.
You try and pick up the pen but your talons are not flexible enough. You try and speak but only bird noises come out. You can't really think in a rational manner either...everything is focused around survival and eating.
You decide to do what you were meant to do. You spread your wings and take off into the sky
You soar through the air and marvel at the view from above. The shield is stopping you from going too high, but you can still see along the coast. You swoop down towards the beach and feel the wind rush through your feathers. This is freedom. This is what it feels like to be truly free.
You fly around the island for the entire day, not wanting this feeling to end.
As the sun sets you notice the other humans trying to set up a camp. They seem confused and poorly organized. They are used to living in houses and sleeping on beds, not trying to survive in the wild.
You land a short distance away from the camp and quickly try and think of a way you could help them.
Written by Ai Dungeon on 06 March 2021
Try and communicate
You cannot communicate with them...at least not in a way they would understand.
You watch as a few of them point at you and shout. They seem frightened, but curious. "It is the same as the artist drew. Do you think she knows where he is?"
"How do you know the creature is female" one of the others asks.
You flick your tail in annoyance.
"I don't know...but look at how it is holding itself. That's a female pose if I ever saw one."
You flap your wings and let out a loud screech. The humans all turn towards you.
You think about the change and suddenly you know that it changed your sex as well as your species.
You let out a long roar and then look at your talons. Maybe you could communicate with them, but how? Everything is different. How do griffons talk to each other?
One of the humans takes a step forward. "What do you want of us, beast? Why have you come here?"
You stare at her and try and figure out how to convey your message.
You spot the sketch that turned you into this and point to it. One of the others holds it up and you nod your head at it.
They stare in confusion for a moment and then one of them says "She knows where the artist is."
"How could she know? She is just an animal."
"The artist obviously saw her before he disappeared . Perhaps she knows where he went."
You shake your head and let out a screech. The humans look even more confused.
"She says that's not it at all. Look she is annoyed now." One of the others says.
You try and calm yourself down and then try a different approach. You pick up a stick and scrawl onto the ground. It takes a few moments but one of them realizes what you are trying to do.
You need to draw...
The human watches in amazement as you draw a picture of yourself in the sand.
"Yes we know you are talking about the artist." they say when you are finished.
You add more to the picture to make it more clear.
"If you are asking about the artist, no we don't know where he is. He disappeared after he came here."
You feel sadness overcome you. They have no idea what happened to you. You let out a screech and bury your head in your claws. The woman reaches out and pet your feathered neck comfortingly.
Written by Ai Dungeon on 16 March 2021
You pull your head out of your neck and look at the woman. She is looking right at you with an expression of both sadness and...something else?
You feel a hint of warmth in your chest when you notice her green eyes.
"Shh shh," she says as she runs her hand through the feathers on your neck.
You close your eyes and enjoy the moment. The warmth in your chest has spread to the rest of your body. It feels good, but also scary at the same time.
You open your eyes and notice that the others are staring. You feel a blush on your face as you quickly try and think up an excuse for what just happened.
Your stomach rumbles. It's not a great excuse, but it is enough to get you out of the situation.
You take to the skies and search for prey. You look down on the camp and see that they are still watching you. The woman with the green eyes is staring at you. You give her a shy wave, and to your surprise she waves back.
One of the others calls her name and she turns away from you.
You decide to leave it at that for now. You will come back tomorrow, and maybe by then you will have figured out how to explain things to them. You can't just expect them to know what you are trying to say.
You find a hare and feast on it's flesh. It tastes so good and you feel so much better afterwards. You soar up to the bottom of the shield staring at the vast beauty that is this island. So many different types of animals and plants to see. This place is like a little world of it's own. As you fly over forests and lakes you see a few creatures down below. They are the small furry things that you've seen before.
Maybe they taste good too?
You swoop down and grab one in your talons. They're pretty weak so it's an easy capture.
Written by Ai Dungeon on 24 March 2021
The end (for now)