Your room
You find yourself shuffled down a hallway, until you stop in front of a door.
"I think this one might be the best for you. Or more specifically you may be the best for this room. "
He opens the door and you find yourself on a balcony. The land is a couple of stories down. You walk around and find the balcony sitting by itself. Flying around you see it is just hovering.
"How does this even fit in the building?" you ask.
"We think it is a portal to a pocket dimension. None of us can fly and the ladders we have build are too dangerous. But I think out of all of us you are the best equipped."
You nod and he closes the door behind him.
Which immediately disappears.
After a brief moment of panic you feel the open air to find the solid door. And the doorknob.
You look down at your paws and suddenly realize just how different this body is. Doors are a lot harder for you now.
Written by catprog on 27 June 2016