Just Take a Look, It's in a Book...
The smell of cedar lightly burns your nostrils as you proceed, almost afraid to draw breath. The smoke from the candle whirls and whorls, and the flame causes you to remember your dream, if only for a second. No time for such distractions now! Luckily this lower level doesn't have the fake panels that the upper does, but it's going to be almost impossible to hear approaching students; even the lowest-ranking ninja can be tricky to hear...
Thankfully, you catch a reprieve when you reach the library. Stashing some of your more official ninja gear beneath your clothing, you pull out a book on the bo staff, which the other students know you've been trying to pick up lately. Until you can think of a better plan, you've got a water-tight alibi as to why you're up so late.
Unlike the top level, set with rooms in circular patterns, this bottom level has rows of rooms with aisles in between... long aisles perfect for fellow students to sight down. Add the large area of ground to cover and the fact that... no one really knows where the secret room is... and you've got yourself a little pickle for yourself. Of course, you are in the library... what better place to find a clue as to the hidden room's whereabouts?
Written by Mr.Peaches on 19 November 2006