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Eat one of the apples emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You use your claw to sweep her aside (gently; she hasn’t done you any harm) and shove your snout onto one of the apples. It tastes… well, amazing. It’s an apple, but it tastes like the most perfect apple ever made. (Or maybe you were just really hungry.)


Almost immediately, you can feel the changes occurring. Your arms and legs start to straighten and lengthen, and your joints click back into the right position with a wonderful, satisfying feeling. Your skin is itching again, and you look back at yourself –


-hold on, aren’t the scales supposed to be disappearing? Instead, they’re changing colour, even though the rest of you seems to be returning to its normal shape. You get to your feet, stretching your spine blissfully, then keep watching your skin nervously.


“I said it would make you big,” the pixie says peevishly. “What did you expect?”


Your tail’s still there, too, counterbalancing your legs, which still seem to be shaped oddly. And – you touch the top of your head and yelp – your hair seems to have all fallen out!


That’s not the worst bit, though. Your chest is completely normal, flat and sinuous with the extra layer of scales, but with a quick peek between your legs, you realize you’re…well… a lady lizard.


It could be a lot worse, though. At least you can walk and talk now. And the tail has a lot of potential.

Written by Elliott-Moose on 05 January 2017

Thank the pixie

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