The legs of a Lion
Fur. His legs were covered in a tawny, yellow fur from thigh to foot. Daniel stammers, his arms reaching down to touch across the skin and confirm it was real with both hands. He grips the hair strangs and attempts to pull. A wince in pain, the sensation of skin stretching out, the helpless stares back to his friends whom had all simultaneously refused to react.
Wordless, he gapes at the four, motions to his legs, then waves at them all as if they were insane.
“Truth or Dare.” Pammy presses, her tone now sounding outright dangerous.
“Forget the game! What happened to my legs?” Daniel shouts. He attempts to stand up, but Jake was faster. The slim studeny putting a hand on Daniel’s shoulder and trying to set him back down.
“You need to move closer to the center.” Jake mutters softly.
“The game doesn’t count if you aren’t part of the circle.” David agrees, his monotone well past annoying at this point.
“I have the perfect Dare in mind you know.” Gassain speaks up. “So if you are curious at all then you know what to pick.”
“G-guys!” Daniel panics, stuttering out as his legs were in the most desperate need of a shave one could possibly imagining. “Don’t tell me you can’t see this, I’m not even … okay where did my pants go?”
“So its truth then. Very well.” Pammy closes her eyes and breathes softly.
“Your pants are your responsibility.” David replies in the smuggest tone possible.
“Not a dare? You are such a disappointment.” Gassain practically whines.
“If you want to barrow my fursuit go ahead” Jake shoves, not all that gently, knocking Daniel into a more aligned position at the bottom of the circle. Then the nerd moves to sit himself back down and continue the world’s most unnerving stare.
As Daniel sat up and moved to look at his legs, his pants were completely missing. The boxers still present to somewhat resemble shorts, and he had shoes on the end of his feet, but everything from the calves to the heels looked like something you’d see on a lioness. He can’t help but place his arms over his foreleg and try to squeeze the muscles. Every touch feels like stroking against a warm blanket. Every push feels like he’s still wearing clothing and having to fight through the thick hairs before he can reach skin.
“Okay fine, truth, whatever. What the heck is going on here?”
“That’s not how it works” Pammy says with the utmost patience.
“Come on Gassain, make it a good one.” Jake chides.
“Really wish he had picked dare.” David sighs.
“If I have to pick Truth, then …” the man pauses, his eyes gazing up and down in concentration. He knew, he had to know. “How many toes do you have?”
“Five.” Was daniel’s immediate answer. “Now next quest-ACK! Hey, what was that for?”
Pammy withdrew the palm she’d just used to smack Daniel.
“No lying.” She stresses as if the boy had just broken a rule.
“Wh- I’m not lying you butt, I have five toes!” Daniel shouts.
“Maybe he’s just not good at telling the truth.” David posits, looking across to the other three instead of Daniel himself.
“Will you just take a look already, Hello? Human? Humans have five toes!”
“You’re the one who has to take a look dude.” Jake rolled his eyes.
As soon as Daniel looked down again his eyes were far too wide to roll. And he wasn’t quite round enough to complete a full roll in his mad scramble across the floor, backpedalling away from feet and legs that weren’t hist. Feet. No shoes, the feet were far too big for shoes to ever fit. There wasn’t even the evidence one might expect of shredded footwear, no leather and no cloth, not a trace of shoelace to be found, just bare feet. Daniel wasn’t trying to keep in the circle anymore.
He could feel his bare cat-like pawpads pressing into the floor when he scoots backward. As soon as he stops to examine, he’s stretching one leg up to gaze at the toes. His heel was stretched out, his toes were now almost as large as his entire foot used to be, it felt as if his legs had an extra joint into them that bent the wrong way. No? Wait that was just his heel jutting out, distorted so much it felt like a completely new joint.
The toes wiggle when he thinks about it, two toes on the left of it and two toes on the right. There was no big toe, all seemed roughly the same size. There was no pinky. There was no middle.
“I … I have four toes?” was all Daniel could stammer out, now looking back toward his friends as if he was the insane one.
“Now it’s your turn.” Pammy turns her nose up, keeping still in her seat.
“Go on, hit me. Best shot. I can take it.” Gassain seemed to have more life in him, or he was just being antagonistic.
“Man you can put your feet down you know.” Jake chortles, reaching his arm out to try and tap at the top of Daniel’s toe. He can feel the softness of the touch, sending a shiver down his spine.
“And if you need to wash them don’t use the sink. Trust me.” Offered David.
As Daniel glances down between his legs, sprawled onto his back, watching his four friends behave so ridiculously calm and jovial, it was all he could do not to not shout at them and demand to know where the originals were. Whoever these four things were, they couldn’t have been his friends. That just wasn’t possible.
About as impossible as randomly getting lion feet he, suspected.
Written by Arbon on 22 May 2016