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Go with him emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You decide to cut your loses and go with him. He seems stronger than you so it seems pointless to try and struggle against him anyway. The man helps you up before taking your hand.


“Now just stay quiet and follow me.”


The man orders, starting to lead you in the opposite direction that you had been running. You wonder to yourself why this man has targeted you, and what he hopes to gain. He doesn’t seem to be threatening you further at least, so that’s a good sign, right?


As you walk with the other mouse anthro you hear a sound in the distance, almost like a scream. It causes you to jump, your ears pinning back flat against your skull. The man glances at you, his expression solemn. “That my dear is a sound that you could have made, had I not found you. Count yourself lucky.”


Lucky? You wonder. What could have possibly made a sound like that?


Though curious, you do as the man said and keep quiet, following after him with slow steps. Every so often he pauses, his nose twitching in the air as if searching for something. You sniff the air too, but the only scent that you’re able to pick up is your own scent of fear.


It takes you a little while to get there, but after some traveling the man stops before a large tree. “We’re here. Come on lass.” The man rumbles.


You blankly stare at him, a bit confused as to what he means. Here? ...and go where exactly? Your head tilts to the side in confusion, hoping for an answer.


“Have you never been in a den before?” He asks. “Well little lady, I’ll just have to show you in then!” He moves to the very front of the tree, lifting up what appeared to be solid moss. Below it are some earthern steps, leading underground beneath the tree.


You are in awe. It is neat seeing something like that, and, finding yourself curious about what lies underground, you start walking down the steps. The male anthro moves behind you, moving the moss back into place.


You think that it should be pitch black after that, but somewhere further down there is a light of sorts. A lantern perhaps? You glance back at the other anthro, wondering what he is to you; a savior or a kidnapper. For now you are going with savior, until things prove otherwise.


Sure enough it is a lantern that is providing the light down here. You arrive at an open area, filled with more of those lanterns. This area is furnished; the den that the male mouse anthro spoke of. There is a chair, a bed, a couch... Simple things that you are used to. The only difference is that the wood is not as polished as it might have been for a human, and the mattress appears to be made out of dried grasses and leaves.


The male would gently set a hand on your shoulder, a smile touching his lips. “Here we are lass, good ol’ home sweet home.”


You have to wonder, did this guy build this all himself? Sure it isn’t the most lavish furniture, but still you find yourself impressed. The male anthro turns to you now, crossing his arms.


“You seem to be a little on the... Ditsy side if you don’t mind my sayin’ so lass.”


You feel slightly insulted by his comment, but don’t say anything.


“You know what? I think someone oughta take care of you. Especially since there are wolves and big cats about. Why don’t you stay with me? I know it’s not the best looking place but hey, a place to lay your head at night can’t be all bad.”

Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 16 January 2016

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