You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
A lamp
You take a lamp. Now what are you going to do with it?
Written by catprog on 05 March 2004
Transformation Genie
Just then, a huge puff of green smoke appears.
The smoke forms the shape of a humanoid, then finally materializes into a turquoise-skinned man who appears to be about 25 years old. You quiver with fear, staring at him (after all, you're not used to seeing turquoise-skinned men appear out of lamps).
"Who has rubbed the lamp of the Genie of Transformation?", the man asks in a light, yet stern voice.
"I-I did", you answer softly.
He steps closer to you and bows. "Thank You, Master, Thank You!", he says as he kneels to you.
He stands. "Yes", he says. "You have released me from the Lamp, and now you may have three wishes.
The wishes carry certain limitations, however..."
"Yes, like what?", you ask again, almost bursting with excitement (having your own genie and all).
"First, there are only three wishes, no more and no less, and this may not be changed by any wishes made. Second, all wishes made by the master should be precisely worded. If the wish is too vague, then I shall choose the remaining factors of the wish. And third, all wishes must be related to the change of the master, or of someone else that the master chooses. In other words, all wishes must be transformative."
Well what are you going to wish for?
Written by on 11 March 2004
I don't need a **** Transformation
"I don't need a transformation thank you very much," you say. "I am perfectly happy as a human". "You can take your conditional wishes elsewhere, you ****".
The genie's eyes widen. "You are going to regret mocking me". " You don't want a transformation, too bad you're getting one.
Written by on 18 May 2004
"You are going to my animal park and help with the breeding programs" booms the genie.
All of a sudden a portal appears and sucks you in.As you go through you get knocked out.
When you awake your in...
Written by on 22 May 2004
You notice
->a shelf of books,
->a cinema,
->a shelf of comic,
->a pile of video games,
->a computer connected to the net,
->a TV and
->many other items.
Which one do you what?
Written by on 27 July 2004
Video Games
You look over the pile.
You see gameboy games, playstation games.
In fact there is nearly every video game created here.
So what game do you wish to play?
Written by on 27 July 2004
You start playing Pokemon.
Suddenly you feel funny.
Looking at yourself you realise your turning into a pokemon.
But which one?
Written by on 27 July 2004
The genie appears and says "You are becoming a Ponyta.
To determine your gender and amount of humanity left you will have to solve a puzzle" There are 3 holes just big enough to fit a marble in.
There are 3 marbles of each color(blue and pink).
The first hole determines how many legs you will have.
The second whether your top half changes.
The final hole is for your gender.
A pink marble in the first hole swaps the meaning of the color in the 2nd hole. Different colors in both the 1st and second hole swaps the meaning of the color in the 3rd hole.
Pink - 4 legs,top half changes,female
Blue- 2 legs,no top half change,male
Written by catprog on 04 November 2006
How refreshing...
With unsteady hands you lift three cold and heavy marbles and roll them gently into the indentations carved into the magic floating board before you. They glow faintly twice--blue,pink, pink-- then disappear in a cloud of smoke as the genie pulls it down out of existence, the hands on his fingers bunched together as if pulling a string.
"You have chosen to be a humanoid, male Ponyta," the genie states.
<span class="female"> "What? I have to be a *boy?* Ewww!*</span>
"But, wait, what's an Arabian *genie* doing dealing with matters of Poke--TA???"
Alas, too late. Fire bursts from every pore of your body, burning away your human form, leaving you bleached white, replete with flaming tail and mane, hooves, digitigrade legs, and an equine-ish face... a male, anthropomorphic Ponyta.
(I think I'd like to take a bit of a segue here and say that the ONLY way you know you're male is because you just are, and if someone were to be, say, *looking* for *evidence* to that effect, *they would not find any* because *that's the way Pokemon work, isn't it?* You know, just as a... reminder.)
Ahem. With a feeling of falling through blankets, you land suddenly in a grassy field, in just the cutest little idyllic scene you could imagine. Go on; imagine it, except imagine it's drawn by Miyazaki's team; you're in 2D now! Pagemaster a go-go!
You're in the Pokemon universe, sure as shoot. So what does a masculine Ponyta-man-boy do around these parts?
Just as you're wondering if you should go and fry some Pidgeys, lo and behold a happy group of travelers is coming up the trail some hundred yards away, using Japanese expressions and looking very manga-esque. Meeting you is sure to be one of the most unusual life experiences *they've* had. But... wait... that one right there looks familiar! Could it be...?
Yes! You're sure without a doubt that that person right there is__________!
Written by Mr.Peaches on 15 November 2006
The end (for now)