To the Village
You dig your claws into the ground and grumble. The hunger is overwhelming you. You smell whatever is cooking in the village in the distance; it teases your nostrils. The smell of the food is pulling you, but you also want to go after the creatures you heard making rustling noises in the bushes. You let out a feminine roar and continue to sink your claws into the ground as you try to figure out your next move. You decide not to go chase the creatures you heard; it's just not worth it. You were just changed into whatever it is you are now, and there is no way you would be able to catch the creatures. You need to figure out how to work your new body first, and the smell of the smell of the food is just too strong to resist.
You let out a sigh as you start towards the village, which appears to be quite a walk. You get bored after a while of walking and decide to see what your new legs of can actually accomplish. You stop in place for a second and try to get a feel of your new body. You shift your weight left then right a couple of times before you quickly move into a sprint. You feel the power of your new legs beneath you. You start to really dash towards the village and as you do you feel your back claws pulling up a little bit of the dirt and mud from beneath you. You are surprisingly fast and reach speeds that were far from anything you could have accomplished back home. You start to feel the wind rushing through your coat as you charge toward the village. You are unaware of the smile that has suddenly appeared on your face. In the distance, giant wooden arches appear, marking the entrance of what you assume is a village. Your stomach growls as the run has increased your hunger. You can feel the scent of food running through your nostrils and pulling you forward. You run at top speed, getting closer and closer to the village. You start to make out some small huts that have just come into view. You are almost at the entrance to the village when a lionestaur steps out in front of you. She looks angry and holds a long spear with the pointy silver tip in her hand. You stop dead in your tracks when you see her. She is a big female, with broad shoulders and wrapped around her is a colorful sash filled with what appears to be small knives. The female looks at you and presses the pads of her feet into the ground puffing before she says, "Who are you, outsider?" As she says this she stares at you as though you are a piece of meat. After you stop and catch your breath a little bit, you look at her and say, "Well I… I can't remember much I can't – I can't even remember my own name. I just arrived here; I don't even know how I got here. I smelled your cooking, and I wondered if you could spare some?” You say in an unintentionally slightly smug voice.
The female looks at you and scowls, a low growl building within her throat. "We don't allow outsiders into our home's and let them steal our gain." She sniffs the air and gets closer to you. She looks at you and huffs, sharply bringing one of her back paws into the ground before she walks up close to you. The female gets right in your personal space and starts sniffing you. After a few seconds of this awkward interrogation, she pulls back a bit and looks at you and says, "You do not smell of one with malicious intent, but I cannot let you pass. You'll have to talk to our tribe leader before I can let you pass." She then looks down at the ground puffing one more time, letting her slightly stoic demeanor fall away and says, "The only thing I can suggest to you is that if you are hungry go out and look for some cannabbits. They are small little ugly creatures; you should be able to catch them easily enough running as fast as you do." The female lifts her head back up and bows respectfully before going back behind one of the giant pillars of wood that formed the archway, taking her place back at her guard post.
As she moves away, you look at her and grumble under your breath, "Not much of a talker are you?" You didn't even get to respond to her suggestion about going to catch the “cannabbits.” The female just aggressively told you what to do then suddenly left you standing there as if you were an annoying fly who was poking at her hide. Who does she think she is, you say angrily to yourself. You then look back to the area you had just ran from. You obviously weren't going to get food from that village. You growl angrily and start sprinting back to the field you had just come from, knowing that those rabbit things were around. At least that is what you thought you heard her say. As you run back, you can't help but think about that female who just got in your face and treated you as if you were scum. Little did you know that this was making your urge to hunt and kill stronger. Thanks to this lioness making you angry, you were more likely to catch your prey than before. It takes some time of sprinting before you finally reach the field you started from. You can began your hunt for food.
You look around and try and catch the sound of anything moving around you; your stomach rumbles once more telling you that you hunger has grown. You close your eyes and focus on listening, before long you hear a series of tiny squeaks a little bit away from you, indicating that the small critters are around.
Written by kamenriderfire on 28 February 2018