Attack head-on
“Of course. The only answer to violence is more violence in turn.” You mentioned. Somehow, the rest of the pack were completely on board. You figured that these guys must have been going through a lot- suffering for a long time because at this point you were able to see everyone’s resentment towards the humans- or whatever they would have thought was causing the problem of their little food crisis. Regardless, you were just glad that they were on your side and not against you. “We need to attack head on, straight in a line and keep a good eye on them, we must drill right into their base and from there they will have nowhere else to go. If they run, we follow, if they attack we will defend. Are you all with me!”
The seals started barking in approval as everyone started to charge in. It was a massive commotion as the small pack of seals started barking and rushing their way straight in. The team formed somewhat of a straight line as you all charged your way into the space.
Of course, all the noise you were making as you charged seemed to peak the interest of the people inside. Before long, you all could see two or three humans crawling from the tents. Almost instantly, they started to run off as quickly as possible and just like that, the pack was on the pursuit. It was like instinct that led you to charge straight in after them with little to no regard to anyone’s wellbeing.
You didn’t know where they were leading you, but the adrenaline was pumping and blurring your critical thinking. Soon, you had chaced the humans to a strange place- an odd ice wall and soon the people darted inside. Still, you all continued.
When you finally got to the ice wall, the deep cavern cut inside of it seemed to go on forever. It was almost like a twisting and turning maze. Of course, it would have been the best idea to split up through a few of the branching paths and hopefully you’d be able to find some of the humans that ran inside. Quickly, you told them your plan and directed them all to doing exactly what you had said and before long, you were on your own in the icy tunnels. Of course, you figured if you just kept pushing forward, you and your team members would eventually come across the humans, that way you could teach them a lesson and get them to leave you all alone.
Unbeknownst to you, your actions had actually doomed everyone and yourself included. You didn’t know how long you had been searching around for, but you could tell it had been quite some time from the way your limbs started to become sore with every step. Hours and hours had passed, but the sun was still up and something just didn’t seem right to you. Your mind was being overcome with exhaustion and before long it was almost impossible for you to find your way back out.
Things had become bad. You didn’t know where anyone else was, or if they were as lost as you were. Before long, you started to feel cold. The walls almost seemed as though they were closing in around you and before long it started getting harder and harder for you to move. You didn’t notice when your limbs started feeling numb, and you couldn’t even tell when you started fading in and out of consciousness.
Honestly, this reset was so quick and smooth that you didn’t even register it happened until a little bit after you had returned. When you flashed back to the beginning, it was almost as though your memory had been put on ice. You weren’t sure what you were doing before, and you didn’t know what you planned on doing now, but apparently, one thing you could do is try again
Written by Drifting Dragon on 08 January 2024
The end (for now)