Follow The Human
“That sounds very nice, thank you!” You say, your cheeks flushing underneath your fur. It is strange to have a man come up to and offer to take you somewhere. Not that you mind, however—you find it very fitting as a reward for saving his life. Is this supposed to be something like a date, then?
The man you rescued looks at you oddly. “Well, that’s strange. I half expected you to be more aggressive. You did handle those Plasma grunts pretty good. I would think you’d be a bit less trusting of strangers.”
Your ears flatten at this. “Really? I don’t think I’m that shallow…”
The man laughs again. “Don’t worry about it. I think it’s kind of cute! Er, in a Pokemorph kind of way, I—anyway, let’s go. I know a good place we can get some food. Don’t worry, it’s on me.”
You follow the man contently as he takes you to a place where they serve humans and pokemorph food. While you are there, he has you caught up on a few things. First, you find out his name is Mannus and that Team Plasma’s been giving him trouble. He quickly tells you not to worry about it but not urges you to be more careful. When you ask him why, he lets you in on current events and the state of things.
Pokemorphs are not first-class citizens to humans in this world. They were a byproduct in Unova as a result of the experiments of a ex-Plasma Scientist named Colress. He seeked to find the deepest potential of pokemon and humans alike and genetic therapy allowed him to see his ambitions blossom. That was about twenty years ago. Pokemorphs were kept a secret to the public until photos by Activists called for their liberation. Now while the public slowly grows to tolerate the existence of these new beings, the genetic process to create others has gone underground and considered a taboo.
The struggle for equal rights has been a battle that has been going on for some time, upheld by both Pokemorphs and Sympathists alike who face discrimination constantly. The opposition is heavy against them—it’s a stark reminder of the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and onward. It’s a miracle nothing happened to you when you arrived. Upon learning this, however, you resolve to make the most of your time in this world and prove you can be whoever you want to be.
Two weeks pass. By now, you have become quite accustomed to the world you live in, fully acquainted to the rules and regulations. You know where pokemorphs can go, what they can do, where they can sit, sleep and eat. It’s all outrageous, but you believe that you can make a difference . You have spent the time helping others and making yourself known. Now, tonight under the fullmoon in your personal lodging, you find a familiar door appear in your room. It’s the door back home. Do you dare turn back now and undo what your worked so hard on before?
Written by wrathofautumn on 06 May 2018