Attempting to fly
"Well, let us go." Gerod says to you, flapping his wings as he turns himself about to face the open air. He takes a few jogging steps before breaking into a sprint, his wings unfurling as he flaps before taking off into the sky. You watch in amazement as the magnificent griffon takes to the sky, the sun outlining his muscular figure as he begins to fly off.
You snap out of your daze and set out to follow the griffon before he leaves you behind. You begin sprinting forward, flapping your wings before you leap off into the air, beating your wings furiously, hovering off the ground for a few glorious seconds before coming crashing down to the ground in a heap, a scream escaping your lips as you feel pain radiate throughout your body.
You hear wing beats again, and you look up to see Gerod, having turned about and flying back to help you out now. His feet grace the ground with their mighty presence as the griffon drops from the sky and lands, trotting a bit to lessen the impact. He looks over you as you struggle to get yourself back to your feet, a wry grin on his face telling you he's a bit less skeptic about your origins now than he was a few minutes ago.
"You truly have never flown before, have you pretty woman?" The griffon laughs, helping you get to your feet with his muzzle. You feel a blush creep to your face as you look away, not wanting to look at those eyes that judge so harshly.
"I told you, I'm not supposed to be here." You tell the griffon again, flapping your wings as you prepare to make another attempt at flying.
"You flapped too hard." The griffon says to you, startling you and breaking your concentration. "You cannot flap your wings like you are bashing a skull in, you must do it evenly and with grace. Flying is not about pure strength, it is a rhythmic dance with the wind and sky."
You nod your head as you try to understand his words. You flap your wings once more as you prepare to fly again. With a running start, you begin to flap your wings and leap from the air, staying up longer than before, but not succeeding in taking to the sky.
"Closer, Alex!" Gerod says with a smile, running up to you. "Much closer! Come, try again, I'm sure you will get it this time!" He says with a great smile.
You groan as you work your way to your feet, but you stand there, heart pounding as you flap your wings, ready for flight. Your feet began to smack against the ground as you start running, and you make a fantastic leap into the air, wings beating as one in a slow, deliberate pattern.
"I-I'm flying!" You scream at Gerod, who takes off after you. "I'm flying!"
Written by Czar Lawrence III on 20 January 2013