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Ry jumped from the tree, landing in the direction of the oncoming Radinri. The fox was scared to see Ry landing right near him.


"Don't worry! You'll be safe from those Radinri!" Ry said to the fox. Soon enough, the Radinri came. 2 of them.


"Out of the way, human! Let us continue our hunt, then MAYBE we won't kill you!" One of the Radinri threatened.


"No! I shall not let you kill this poor fox!" Ry exclaimed. "You're gonna have to get through me to get to the fox!" Ry was in a fighting stance.


"Very well then. Prepare to die." The other Radinri said, aiming a laser rifle set to kill at Ry and fired. Ry dodged, jumped and made his first attack, an aerial roundhouse Chuck Norris-style kick to the Radinri's head. The Radinri held his head.


"Hey dude, you okay?" The other Radinri said.


The head-hitted Radinri said "Let's take him down!" The 2 Radinri started firing rapidly at Ry. Ry ran and climbed up a tree. There was 2 choices here. Jump and attempt to break one of the Radinri's back via a very hard kick, or try to get on one of the Radinri's back, ride him like a horse, and use him to take down the other Radinri.

Written by Rikki on 19 November 2008


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