They get discovered...
Jake prayed silently while the other two screwed silencers onto their pistols, slowly creeping forward and taking aim at the predator's head. Unknown to the three of them, the security system of the store was still working, and a toothbrush that was in the female's pocket triggered the theft alarm.
The hunter quickly lept up and turned around with a snarl. "Who goes there!?!"
"Screwed! Run!!" cried Jake. The three abandoned the grocery cart full of supplies and ran into the store, the alarm still going off.
"Find a place to hide, quick!" he shouted to the other two, grabbing a spray bottle of that liquid that keeps cats off of furniture and spraying it on himself and the other two.
The dive behind one of the many displays scattered throughout the superstore, the hunter not far behind.
"Oh humans... come out and plaayaayyy...." he teased tauntingly.
They were racked enough with stress as it was, and the impending doom of being transformed into a trophy-animal was almost too much. Each of them were fighting back tears, thinking how this just wasn't right. Humans weren't supposed to live in fear like this.
The hunter slowly stalked through the store, searching for the small sqaudron, purring as he thought of getting three prizes at the same time.
"I know you're here, humans. Why don't you come out and just give up? It'll save you a lot of pain."
An unbalanced soup can fell and clattered to the ground to the left of the hunter. "There!" He swung around and pointed his laser in the direction of the sound, immediately firing and blowing the entire section of the aisle to bits.
He hisses in frustration at his mistake. "Damn! I know you're here, so come out!" he says, stalking further into the store on his silent four padded feet.
Meanwhile the humans are huddled underneath the display, saying their final farewells to each other. Things definitely did NOT look good for the three.
But suddenly, Jake saw something... a hole where there was once an air conditioning vent, leading outside. But unfortunately, they would have to sneak past the Radinri.
There appeared to be another option. It might be plausible to slay the creature, for the display they were hiding under happened to be one of none other than hunting equipment. Bow and arrows, shotguns, and a whole arsenal of weapons. But there was no garuntee that they would even work right, having been here for many, -many- years gathering dust...
Written by Kibaoftheleaves on 05 August 2008
The end (for now)