Laura thought for another moment. If she took the offer of Conversion, she'd be joining the species that was invading her homeworld, and she didn't think she could live with herself if she switched sides. She had to take any chance, no matter how small, at staying human. "I want to go to the base in Hawaii," she said.
Alex tensed, visibly upset at Laura's decision. Still, he padded over to the wall, pressed the intercom system, and growled instructions into it. The ship stopped for a moment, then sped off in a new direction. Alex glanced at Laura for a moment, then stalked off without a word.
Laura sat in her cell. There were no windows in the cell, or anything to tell the time by, so she had no way of telling her trip's progress. She just sat on her bed, contemplating. Conversion was, at the very least, a concrete idea. It may not have appealed to her, but at least she understood it. Besides, Alex seemed happy with his new life. But he was gone, probably off with Rysthin Ka'Ar, and Laura had made her choice. For the rest of her life, she would wonder if it had been the right one.
The ship slowed to a stop and descended. Moments after it landed, Alex arrived to unlock her cell door. He had changed out of the thick winter clothing he had worn in Alaska, and was instead wearing a simple t-shirt and sunglasses. He refused to meet Laura's eyes, but simply said, "Follow me," and led her to the ship's door. The massive hull opened, and Laura was dazzled by the Hawaiian sun. Whatever was about to happen, it was beginning.
Written by Zodiac on 18 July 2008
The end (for now)