Freak Out
You did a double take. “Hold on… A tree!?” After you regained your composure, you took a moment to observe your surroundings. You found out you were in the middle of a forest. A nice forest, in fact. The gaps in the upper canopies allowed the morning light to filter in. Apparently, the tree you were propped on was the one you were sleeping against. “…Am I in a Disney movie?” You asked yourself. This forest seemed too nice. It was kind of bright and cheery. “Or am I in a nature documentary?” After all, it was apparently real. Your eyes shot open, and then you looked around constantly. Eventually, you stopped your frenetic searching and sighed in relief. “Okay, so nobody found me and placed me in a nature preserve. That’s good.”
That did little to explain the fact you were in the middle of a forest with no memory or explanation of how you got here.
“So where’s my flippin’ room?” You ask. But immediately after that, you began to consider that, maybe, finding your room was the least of concerns. You still had no explanation for the Renamon costume assimilating into your body. Now, this.
At this point, you think your brain stopped from overload.
One normally cannot remember much of what happens afterward, but you do vaguely recall doing what every sane human being does in moments of hopelessness – run, cry, and scream. You tried to wake yourself up from you convinced yourself to be one elaborate nightmare. You think that involved pinched yourself, slamming your head against the tree, and biting on your tail. You came to only after throwing yourself into a lake.
The water did not wake up. As you concluded before your moment of insanity, this was real.
“Great. Just great.” You lied there in the shallow part of the lake, staring up the sky. “This isn’t a dream. I’m in the middle of some random forest. Lost, alone, and stir-crazy. My costume is a parasite, and I smell like a wet dog!” Slamming your arm on the water, you decided wallowing in a lake would get you nowhere. You dragged yourself out of the lake and, almost instinctively, shook all the water off of your fur.
Once you were done, you pondered over your vexing situation. “Okay, so this is real as real can get. Now what? … Well, I can’t just sit here. Gotta take initiative. Gotta find something.”
Written by grade-amasterpiece on 01 April 2016