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Fortunately, you ate all the carcasses that were hanging from the ceiling before your belly got so big that you can barely move at all, let alone reach up to pull anything down to the floor where you can get at it. And you discover that sphinxes, like humans, are subject to mood swings in the later stages of pregnancy; you find yourself whipsawing from 'gosh how wonderful my cubs will be' to 'what are those unholy parasites doing in my body!?', and back again, within seconds. Every time the horror and rage boils up, you try to hold onto it…


By the time the sun sets you are almost ready to rip your belly open with your own claws and get it over with—except, of course, that you need your claws to continue shovelling meat into your gaping maw so that your (wonderful, glorious) cubs will develop properly as they clearly should and must…


The necklace. Taking off the necklace. It's got to come off after you give birth.



Written by Catprog & Cubist on 20 November 2010

Female Birth

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