Another Surgery
...And you found yourself in the same bloody hospital room as before. Again you were chained to the blood-stained bed and chained down by cold, metal limbs. This time, though, your body was covered in fur--it seemed to be a continuation of the last time. "Welcome back for the second procedure, Saber 01. We have many new ascendants all eager to reach new heights with this fantastic transformation. As such, we will be speeding up your procedure somewhat, since your body is adjusting so well to the STT drugs."
"You may have forgotten, but in this new form, you will be reborn as a beautiful female sabertooth, a wonder anthropomorphic predator. There are a few extra hunks of flesh your body currently possesses, but do not worry. They shall be removed today. It seems that your vision is not improving even with higher doses of STT..." The voice droned on. "...we have deduced that the best course of action will be replacing them with proper Sabertooth eyes."
Your eyes. They wanted to...replace your eyes.
The voice faded out and two, smaller metallic limbs extended from the metal wheel hanging above you and placed a blindfold over your eyes. You felt your skin being pricked all over, followed by the loss of feeling in your nerves. You heard the sound of a saw, much like last time, but this time it was a smaller, finer hum.
Your body was completely numbed, but you felt some kind of sensation between your legs, and combined with the buzzing of the blade, you realized what was happening. You screamed in your mind, struggling to hold onto what little sanity you had left. The thinnest thread of feeling returned when the buzzing stopped and you felt pain. Horrible, unimaginable pain.
But that soon ended when you were pricked again, injected with some unknown drug that made your mind misty and numbed your nerves.
And then you saw something red, followed by a dulled warmth in your right eye. Suddenly, the blackness of the blindfold seemed even darker than before...
...and soon you felt the warmth in your left eye, followed by total blindness.
"We'll need to put you under for the replacement surgery. When you next open your eyes, you'll only need one more procedure before..."
The voice became twisted and evil-sounding, repeating the same word: "...before...before...before..." The voice was screaming in your ear, like a demon. Your body shook and sweat, your mind tried to break itself to end this suffering, but the suffering continued as the voice hissed in your ear: "...BEFORE...YOU ARE...REBORN..."
Written by Merieth on 02 June 2018