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You wake up.... guess where... on an ISLAND! star star star star emptystar

You wake up to screaming.
The plane is on its side, half of it sticking into the water. One of the engines is still working, sucking air and loose clothing into it. The wing of the plane is jutting up into the air at a 75 degree angle. You can see people inside the plane. You get up to see what you can do.


"Help!" A voice cries out. You turn. An Anthro mouse is stuck under one of the landing gear, near the engine. You run towards him. As you get there, you see his leg is pinned beneath it. Alone, you can't lift him out.
"Help me!" You shout. The anthro lizard you saw on the plane comes to your rescue, along with two or three others. Together, you pull him out of the plane.


Two minutes later, the engine explodes.
No one is hurt.


Later, you sit back on the beach, staring at the stars. You suddenly remember the costumes, and how you got here. After the crash, you never really had much time to think. You are overcome by a sudden desire to sleep, so you close your eyes and drift into unconsciousness.


When you wake up...

Written by The guy in the shadows on 22 October 2007

The end (for now)

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