The new world
You awake to the view of a grey and clouded sky, small drops of rain landing on your face. Under you is cold, hard rock; you're laying on the ground. A throb of pain in your temple makes you raise your hand instinctively to your forehead. Your arm feels strange- lighter, yet heavier at the same time. You turn your head to look at your arm, ignoring the strong pain shooting up your neck as you do so. Your arm is covered in brown and white feathers. You flex your fingers, they work like they normally do. You raise your arms, and to your surprise, you discover you have big wings attached to your arms and sides. Your body is completely covered in brown, white, and grey feathers. A strong wind ruffles your feathers a bit, and you find yourself enjoying the sensation. Carefully you try to sit up, but your throbbing head makes you lay back down. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, sitting up slowly this time. Jolts of sharp pain spread throughout your head, but you ignore it. You need to find out what's happening.
The landscape reveals nothing but cliffs, mountains, and dead trees. You sigh. Slowly you get on your feet, your headache is gradually subsiding. Your feet, as well as your legs, are human again, and you have to take some time to adjust. Especially when the harsh wind makes it harder to stay on your feet. Looking around you, you see no signs of civilisation. You see no means of escape. You're caught on a high mountain, no trails leading down, and the sides don't seem climbable. The rain is getting worse every minute, raindrops sliding down your feathers and your face. You wanna cry. Instead you sit down again, listening to the rain fall.
The sound of water reminds you of a thirst you didn't know was there, you feel as though you haven't drunk for hours. Facing the sky you open your mouth to catch the falling raindrops. It refreshens you, makes your head clearer.
You stretch your arms out, and to your surprise, your wingspan is much bigger than you initially thought; maybe even big enough to make you fly. An idea strikes you. Maybe you could fly down. No way. That's too dangerous. You can feel your heartbeat, and your lungs feel tight as you anxiously crawl to the cliff’s edge. Looking down makes you dizzy, and you crawl back in fear you're gonna fall down. Is it really the only way? There has to be another option, something you've overlooked. You search every corner of the cliff you're stranded on, and when you find none, you sit down defeated. You can't believe that just an hour ago you were spending time with the most beautiful woman you've ever met and now you're all alone, nothing but rock surrounding you.
Written by AnxiousRomeo on 27 September 2017