6 people are deposited on an island.
The 1st night someone accidentally activates a barrier.
In the tv studio the producers quickly realise that they can't get anybody out or in but the automatic cameras' signals are still working. They decide to relabel the show as fiction.
Now which character do you wish to start with?
Written by catprog on 17 December 2000
A Lake with a Secret
You look up and down the beach expecting something else to happen but the blue barrier stays how it is, unyielding and not allowing you to pass. You thought this was to good to be true when you were offered a free ticket into a popular new game show.
When you decide nothing else is going to happen you decide to head inland and look for a reasonable home to camp out in for the rest of the season. You also will be needing a water source.
As you are walking through the island you come to find out that it was bigger than you had previously thought and now you are stuck in the middle of a jungle.
Panic starts to set in, and you start to believe you won't survive for long, which may be true. Then you notice a lake sparkling in the sun rays that make it through the jungle leaves.
Your hopes seem to have improved a smidge, so you go to check it out hoping that it will be a reliable water source. When you get there though you discover a cave perfect for your needs. And it is even out of reach of the water enough you won't have to worry about it flooding.
Soon you have a little bed made up of leaves made along with a fire crackling away.
Your lips are drying out now you realize and so you go to the pond to get a drink. When you look at yourself you notice that a girl is looking back at you. You move your right hand and so does she. You reel away from the water and touch your chest. Still very much a man. When you return to the water though she is still there.
Should you drink from the Water? OR should you find a new source to drink from?
Written by Anonymous on 11 March 2013
Mirror Mirror
You decide that you are hallucinating from the lake of water so you cup your hands and plunge them into the cold clead water. You drink greedily from the clean water letting the cooling feel of the water soothe your hoarse throat. You finish drinking after about three more hand fulls. A buzz starts to fill your body and suddenly you feel sick to your stomach. Was it the water? Then you feel your organs rearranging themselves inside of you. You feel one or two more growing as well and that is followed by a pulling in your groin as you manhood is being taken. Then you feel a warm tingle in your chest as two orbs grow outwards.
You realize in horror now that you are a girl! The last few touches come now as you hips grow in size and your waist slims out giving you some nice curves. Your fingers, arms and legs become more feminine, and you face transformas into a beautiful face angled in just the right way.
You feel like you're going to faint, but should you fight it or let it come?
Written by Anonymous on 11 March 2013
Fall down
You fall down as you feel the changes continue.
Looking down at your legs you see them all floppy. All the muscles and bones are gone.
The remains of your legs are merging together, forming a fish tail.
Looking at it in disbelief you realize you are now a mermaid and the lake that changed you is the only water nearby.
Written by catprog on 04 April 2019
The end (for now)