But screw it; this is a game, and you've got weapons and armor. You launch from your cover at a lightning pace, a dagger in each hand.
You've never fought before in your life, but your body seems to know how to do it. The bear turns to face you, and you bring your knives to a defensive stance.
Then the battle is met, and your world erupts into motion. The bear attacks first, launching a heavy swipe to your head that would surely decapitate you... If it could connect.
Luckily, you're a bit more nimble than that, and you duck beneath its arms and reward its efforts with a series of gashes that render its right forearm useless. The stink of blood fills the air, but your body seems used to it.
Another swipe from the bear is easily dodged, this time a more clumsy attack inspired by pain and fear alike. You're astonished at how fluidly you move, and you melt around its attack to slash a dagger through the meat of its upper arm.
While your arm meets resistance, your attack is strong enough to deliver a clean cut, and the bear wobbles slightly, both of its arms dangling at its sides. It bares its fangs and lurches towards you, no doubt intending to try one last futile attack.
This time instead of dodging, you strike first. The proper attack flies into your head, and you snap an arm forward, hurling your dagger deep into its skull. The beast dies without so much as another sound, and it falls to a heap at your feet.
The world returns to normal around you, and you can't help but feel oddly shaky. You just fought a bear... And won! Is that normal? Did you always have such a calm mind under pressure? How did you start so adept with knives?
Only one thing is sure in your mind, and that's that this bear will certainly be well-received by Assy and perhaps by Kaito as well.
Written by SketchySeraph on 28 May 2016