Thank the pixie
Thank you,” you say to the pixie, who blushes and fidgets a little with her oak-leaf dress. You can see her better now, even though you’re bigger – you guess the djinni’s spell was messing with your eyesight as well. She’s about the size of your middle finger, with long green hair and butterfly wings. You can’t help but enjoy how much bigger than her you are; you’ve never seen a pixie before, after all. They are cute little creatures.
“I didn’t do anything,” she mumbles – then perks up. “Oh! My turn!” She rushes over to the apple, climbing on top of it and wrapping her arms around the stem.
You watch with amusement as she takes a big bite of the apple. The resulting bite is maybe the size of your thumbnail, but it’s certainly a big swallow for her. She struggles to chew it, and when she swallows, there’s a definite bulge. She’s not done yet though! After taking a moment to let the first bite digest, she takes another one, and the bulge gets bigger.
You hope her transformation will start soon, otherwise she might pop! But what if she needs to eat the entire apple?
Written by Elliott-Moose on 20 January 2017
The end (for now)