Wild Card
Daniel in the past, had played her fair share of video games; what teenager didn't? Daniel thought through many of the games she once played. What role you choose, what class you picked made up the entire game! Picked the wrong one, well, you had to reset and start over. Daniel didn't have this option, whatever choice she made, would affect her forever! Gnawing on her lip she thought it over, adventuring?
Not safe. She demonstrated a lack of survival skills, and that option two would leave her as some sort of shop keeper job. It would keep her safe and in the city, but would it lead her home? Would it even make her happy if she was stuck here? Daniel struck that off her mental list with bold harsh thoughts.
One, magic. Who didn't love magic? The idea was alluring, but Daniel shook her head. She was a sphinx, what kind of magic did she have? Did she even want to know? What she needed was some luck, and a roll of fate would help with that? Daniel flashed through the events leading her here. Her friends back at home, the fast pace events that lead her to this crystal. Surly her luck was changing.
“Option Three.” Daniel stated with bold confidence. The crystal flashed to life, a bolt of energy jolted through her body. Burning, the energy flowed down her arm. Daniel gritted her teeth. Shaking until the energy bolted though her heart, dropping Daniel to her knees with shock. It didn't hurt but the warmth of a talon clutching her very heart was overwhelming.
“Bride.” A spicy purr flowed out of the statute of Indra. The talon let go of Daniel's heart, pulling a tiny gasp from her lips. Her mind rolled, bride? Did she hear right?
“Your mate comes for you young Daniel.” The image of a black and gold Sphinx passed Daniel's eyes, she didn't see it. All she could see was her paling options. Should she run?
Written by psto1464 on 21 January 2020