The Dare
Daniel's friends had become incredible busy with their new high-school lives. He was excited to have the five of them altogether for their traditional weekend hangout. Daniel was determined to make it a good one. Of course. All this drive was hidden under a mostly calm and dopey face of his. He didn't want to act like a preschooler, now, did he? Pam's dare had stolen all his pep, what made it crueler was her being a cheerleader, wasn't she suppose to inspire the opposite in him. Daniel awkwardly laughed while avoided his friends eyes.
Pam's dare was an easy one, go visit the abandon military base at the end of town. No big deal, normally, but with the shadow of the past few nights recurring nightmare hanging over him. He just couldn't work up the nerve to agree to it right away.
“Well are you chickening out or going?” Pam asked impatiently tapping her perfect red nails on the carpeted floor of her bedroom.
“It's just so far.” Daniel rubbed his head and groaned. It was the sweat drenching nights he woke up screaming. Or the burning terror he felt in his gut, as his mind wandered to the thoughts of that base. “Sounds like chicken talk to me,” David teased Daniel while tossing popcorn into his hair.
“How would I even prove I was there?” Daniel desperately grasped at some excuse, swiping the popcorn out of his hair with both his hands.
“Someone should go with him, prove he's gone inside.” Pam was quick to come up with a plan. “Should you go, and cheer him on?” Jake said raising his eyebrows dramatically for people to catch his bad joke.
“Should we all go?” Gassen suggested with a raise of his hand. “Personally I've always been curious about the place.”
“A night of courage. I like it!” David said getting on board quickly. “Maybe they have some old military uniforms left over? I could use them for one of my fursona's!” Jake jumped up and was already gathering his backpack.
“Why not?” Pam shrugged, getting off the floor. “Let's get our bikes chicken boy!” Pan shot at him as she left the room.
“Ye-yeah!” Daniel struggled out. His thoughts turned in, flashing back to bright lights, pain and the blood soaked horror of awakening and not being himself.
“Daniel. We could stay behind. You and me, we'll watch some movies.” Gassen placed a hand on his shoulder. His eyes filled with concern. Gassen was a good friend, taking a deep breath Daniel shook off his nightmares and Gassen's hand.
“No.” He let out a shaky breath, feeling calmer he continued with a stronger voice. “No, you want to go, and we'll all be together. What can go wrong?”
Written by Psto1464 on 17 March 2019