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Danielle could not figure why this seemed so tempting for her, the hot thrill still lingered in her blood, her tail swished from side to side anxiously.


Danielle affected a yawn. "Well, like I said, it's a school night." In hopes of convincing herself more than Pammy.


But right then, Danielle knew it was a lie. Even though it would probably come back to haunt her, Danielle was excited and thrilled about the notion of this party.


Pammy softly shook her head. "Sure… Now you want to help me choose an outfit? Not everyone was blessed with those gorgeous stripes." She smiled, and it was an entrancing smile.


Pammy was like a tornado going through Danielle’s clothes, pulling them out of hangers and drawers. The pieces were a colorful combination of garments going from simple pieces obviously intended for daily use to more elegant dresses that seemed reserved for formal functions and then to a selection of darker pieces that seemed reserved to go out at night.


She quickly donned a black dress with lacy details and checked herself on the mirror, before picking a discreet silvery necklace and a pair of stud earrings.


“Perfect,” she said as she looked herself on the mirror.


Pammy stood there with a huge smile on her face that immediately turned to a frown as she saw Danielle.
More specifically as she took in what the tigress wore.


Written by Ashley-natter on 07 February 2018

Both Random Clothes

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