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Are You Ready? emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“How are you feeling?” David was the first to speak, concerned by the current and future well-being of Daniel. “Are you sure you want to do this? You can still back out. We can still run.”


“Do you think Danny wants to stay like this forever, David? Isn’t this better than running into those Project Zero guys?” Pammy reasoned.


“How do we know he’s not one of those Project Zero Guys? He could’ve just lied to us.”


“You don’t think I know that? Listen, Daniel isn’t the only caught up in this okay. We’re in trouble too,” Pammy paused before muttering under her breath. “Maybe you could consider worrying about more than just the cat girl?”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”


“You know what it’s supposed to mean, all you’ve been doing is staring at her. Ogling.”


“Guys, knock it off,” Daniel interrupted. “I’m fine okay. I’ll switch back to normal and we’ll find the others then we can all just...go home.”


The brief fight ended right in time for Imhotep to return. He was carrying a syringe with an altogether too long needle at the end. It contained a purple tinged liquid. Daniel shifted nervously in her seat as he came closer.


“Are you ready, Daniel?”


Written by Flutterbest on 14 January 2018

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