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"A darkness?" emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"A darkness?" The man found himself asking out loud.


"Yes, a darkness that will attempt to consume this entire world," The voice said. "Be cautious, for its everywhere, in many forms and shapes,"


"But what does that have to do with you taking over my body?" He asked.


"In my world, we take the shape of animals, but in your world, we are but spheres of light. We have no real shape here in this world, and we can only appear into your world through your dreams,"


"When I came into this world, my body had been weakened. Because I was attacked. Attacked by a force that lingers in the darkness, the same darkness that wishes to destroy your world."


"But do they know where you came from, and where you landed in this world?" Daniel found himself asking.


"Yes, unfortunately. There is no telling what shape they take in this world, but you must be weary in who you trust," she said.


Written by Dalkr Moonfire Wolf on 29 December 2017

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