Stay with the coat
She didn’t know how long it’d take to make a selkie coat, something that seemed far too magical to create naturally, let alone easily. The effort in it’s creation was clear, from the soft texture of the real fur to the pristine white color. This would turn Daniel back into himself; what he once was. But...Daniel didn’t want to put it on. She didn’t feel the jittery excitement that often came with a gift; she wasn’t upset at all, though, of course not! But she didn’t want to test it out or anything of the sort; no, she just...well, she didn’t want to use it, that was all. Instead of trying on the coat, she offered a warm but apologetic smile to her mother and reached out, actually returning the coat to it’s creator, who looked more surprised than anything else. “Thanks, mom...but I don’t think I’ll need it. Not for a long time, I know that for sure. I really appreciate that you made it just in case; but I don’t want to use it right now. Maybe I will someday, but not now.” Daniel replied softly, her smile widening as her gaze settled on her mother; she didn’t want to change, nor did she want to rush to the surface again - she wanted to stay right here.
Daniel had accepted her new form and everything about it - she saw no need to change anything about herself for the time being. The surprised look on her mother’s face faded, easing into a motherly, pleased expression as she carefully set the coat back inside the drawer, letting her gaze settle back on Daniel before she reached out and embraced her daughter in a hug once more, arms wrapped firmly but gently around her as she spoke.
“If that’s your choice, then I’ll respect it, Daniel.”
Daniel felt her mother gently squeeze her, smiling a little as she rested her chin on her mother’s shoulder, relishing in the embrace and closing her eyes.
“Welcome home.”
Written by monochromecheshire on 28 August 2017
The end (for now)