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After spending the evening with her family, each one of them not commenting on her ears she prepares herself to go back to the base. The forest the same as that fateful night. The base the same. The building on the brochure. Inside is a board filled with names and photos.


She looks over the board. Photos of a fox, a seal, a wolf.


“I see you are interested in our previous experiments ”.


“Not you again.” she says “Can’t you just leave me alone. Why those animals?”


“Well I will give you a clue. Research your mythical creatures, you might learn something, both about those creatures and what you are.”


“Why are you talking in riddles?”


“Why, it is simple, I am preparing you.”


“Preparing me. What the hell are you talking about?” she asks.


“Like I suggested to you earlier. Research your bestiary.”


“What good will knowing what creature am I turning into, if you are not going to stop it.”


“Well I can tell from your tail that you are worried. I just think you might be less worries about things if you know what is happening.”


“Wait my tail?” she askes looking behind her.


Behind her the tail is thumping the floor. “You changed me again?”


“You came to us, if you did not want this to happen you should not of come here.”


“I need answers.” she said. The voice does not answer. “Answer the question” she screams.


Looking for the board , she sees it fading leaving no trace of it nor any other trace of the people behind her changes.

Written by catprog on 04 May 2017

Both Searching the room.

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