A normal Vet
Inside the vet is surprisingly normal. No mysterious room but a normal vet. “Ah Danielle” the reception says “Just in time for your appointment. Please come on through.” pointing to the door.
She braces herself for another visit from the mysterious voice and to her surprise on the other side of the door is the vet and a normal vet room. “Now you have been having trouble with your ears right?”
She nods in answer “Apparently.”
“Well let me take a look at them” he says “Hop in this chair and I can begin.”
Once she is in the chair and the ears are checked he says “Well they seem fine to me, but I will test them.”
He gets out a number of speakers and sets them up. Playing a series of sounds through each one he watches the ears.
She feels the ears adjust automatically tracking the sound.
“Well they track the sound fine.“
She nods “Do you know why I am like this?”
“According to your files, you were born like that. Your parents took you here when you were young and now you come here by yourself. You're not having memory issues are you?”
“No. Just things seem strange all of a sudden.”
“Strange in what way? I mean having animal ears would be strange on anyone else, but on you, they are normal”
“What would you say if I told you I remember being completely human and male less then a week ago?”
“Well I would say you might need to see a psychiatrist. I can’t help you much there. All of my other patients don’t talk back. There is not much call for me to look at the mental state of them.”
“Yeah I was dragged to one earlier. If my memories are correct that is where the ears appeared.”
“Well either your memory is fault or mine is. For as long as I have been here you have had those ears. Anyway there is nothing wrong with your body. As for your mind, perhaps you are wanting to be like everyone else. As for male, that is not my area, so I can’t help you there.”
Written by Catprog on 16 April 2017