"Oh yeah? I can track you by sound."
"Oh yeah? I can track you by sound." she says.
"You only just got those ears. Do you really think you can use them already"
With ears twitching as the voice speaks she soon tracks the sound to it's source. A speaker hidden in the floor.
"Thank you for your help" the voice says. "This is much easier then trying to force a mental change against your will."
"Mental change?" she begins "What mental changes?"
The voice moves again "Well you know how to use your ears for tracking sound. A normal human can't do that."
She moves over to the next speaker as the voice starts before realizing "You tricked me. That doesn't count."
"Oh, but it does. The door is behind you by the way"
She looks over her shoulder to see the door
Written by Catprog on 20 March 2017