In the morning
The sun streams through the window. The alarm clock sounds and Daniel reaches out to turns it off.
The memories of last night filter though his head and he throws off the sheets of the bed to look.
Normal, their is no trace of anything that had happened last night.
The phone rings and soon his mother calls out "Pammy is on the phone, she is wandering if you you are all right. "
"Yeah I'm fine." he calls out relived his voice is back.
"She says the guys are meeting at her place and to tell you to meet them their."
"Sure" he says getting out of bed.
"Do you want some breakfast before you go?" she asks.
"Sure, that would be good" he says heading into the shower.
That is when he finds out just what had happened to him last night.
Instead of his manhood, between his legs he is female.
Getting dressed quickly he looks at the id in his wallet. Instead of the M signifying male , their is a F. No matter where he looks , every documentation has changed as if he was always female.
Breakfast is over quickly and once over at Pammy house and he begins to explain what had happened and what he found in the morning they respond with...
Written by catprog on 04 November 2016