Try and talk
Daniel didn´t understand. He shook his head and tried to talk, but only the animal shrieks came out of his beak. What was going on? His friends didn´t see that he was a griffon now? They acted like nothing happened, while an actual griffon was right in front of them. Out of nervousness, Daniel began waving his wings unconsciously and Jake stepped back.
“Hey, calm down, birdie. It´s all right now. You´re back and you seem to be fine.”
“Yeah,” David agreed. “Stop waving your wings. Everything will be all right, you´ll see.”
What? Daniel thought. What did they mean? Nothing was all right. He was turned into griffon and they apparently could see it, because David mentioned wings. Why weren´t they panicking? Weren´t they surprised that he was a griffon now?
“Come in,” Pammy said and stepped aside to empty the door. “I´ll get you some yummy rats, okay?”
Written by lulu-illussions on 19 April 2017